We have six entries for Game Jam 2015. [UPDATE] The links below are to the gist page. Click the “raw” button at the right of the page to go through to the raw page. You should then see the “COPY” button, if you are using the in-app browser.
Squash and Stretch code / thread
All Codea Talk forum members can vote for the entry that they feel best meets the 3 criteria below, as well as an overall winner.
Voters should play all of the entries.
You cannot vote for your own entry.
#Theme: “responsiveness”
Think user experience, controls, feedback (visual and auditory), rewards. Think touch and tilt. Think sockets.
This isn’t just about having good controls, but also all of the feedback (including animations and sound) by which we let the player know an action is completed, the rewards they get when it is completed successfully. All the things we mean when we talk about “the feel” of a game. This sense of how a game feels is often left to the end of game development (or worse, neglected all together), but the beauty of Codea is that we have that PLAY button continuously available in the bottom corner: unlike the desktop-bound developer, we can continuously test and tweak “the feel” of our games from the very beginning.
#Criteria for judging
The winning entry will…
be a fun and replayable game around the theme of “responsiveness”; ie with special attention paid to the user experience, with tight controls and feedback, and some kind of goal and reward structure, even if it’s just staying alive or racking up a high score
have concise and readable code, with a reasonable amount of documentation in the comments. There’s no line limit, but try to avoid code repetition
“show off” some aspect of Codea, whether it’s Box2D, shaders, 3D graphics, sound, the newly announced sockets (online multiplayer) or iOS technologies like gyroscopes or system voices
entries should largely be an original work created for the competition (though inevitably you will reuse bits of other code you have lying around)
entries can be individual or group efforts, but no more than one per person
you will retain all rights over your entry
Further suggestions welcome on all of the above!