Fysuzzles: Available Now

Can you leave AppStore reviews for titles you received via promo codes?

@yojimbo2000, @Mr_Ninja, no you cannot. The rule makes sense, they don’t want you bribing 100 people with promo codes in exchange for 5 star reviews

I’ll fork out the cash when I see it available :slight_smile:

Thanks. I took T3HMPLEJXR64

This looks so cool!!!

It’s on the store! I’ve updated the first post with a link to the app store, but here it is again: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fysuzzles/id977471507?ls=1&mt=8

@JakAttak, could you please distribute any promo codes?

Hi @erickyamato, I will send some to all the beta testers soon. Thanks.

@JakAttak - very impressive! The level editor In particular is very polished. Well done - 5 star review posted

Bought it. Played the first tutorial level. Hit previous level and dropped into the parameters screen with an error. Button should be disabled.

Fun game. Did the tutorial but lawn needs mowing now.

@Mark, thanks!

@Pops, thanks as well. And thanks for that bug report, it’s supposed to go to the last level in that case. I’ve submitted a fix.