ETA on Phone Codea?

Can I join the beta too? My email is , thanks!

@Simeon Thanks, but I’ve not yet received an invite.

@the_dude I sent you another invite — maybe it went to your spam folder?

@uamuamuam sure!

@Simeon thanks!


An iPhone 5s user here. Am I still qualified to join the tester army? :smile:

@bee what version of iOS are you running?

I’m still on iOS 10. But will upgrade to iOS 11 or 12 soon.

@bee works on 10, I’ve added you

Thank you. Downloading now.

Could I get added?

@GimbalLock added you just now :smile:

@Simeon — you’re likely aware, but just in case: location services currently don’t work on the phone version of the app.

Sweet! Thanks!

I’d like to test the beta, and I use iphoneX email:

I’d like to test the beta, my email is

Would love to test the beta!

I’d love to join the beta if possible!
My email is

We’ll do another iPhone beta soon and I’ll include you all.

@Mark thank you for that bug report will look into it