"else" is bugging

Point is, that the error shows up in false line,

Missing brackets line before the else , htmlCode:gsub() maybe?

Ah my bad lol

You’re missing tag in if string.sub(2,3)== "/p" then . Anytime you have a coding problem, it’s you’re code that’s wrong 99.99% of the time.

I mean the error is in line 195, but the line shows up in line 196

line 195 doesn’t end properly. So as far as the editor is concerned, the error is in line 196.

Just live with it

Just live with it

Oh oh, be friendly, live friendly.

@TokOut You expect code to tell you exactly where YOUR error is when you can’t find it yourself. You’re expecting too much from the editor. Learn how to do things for yourself.

The point I’m making is that you’re continually finding fault with little things.

What you need to realise is that Codea is not Microsoft Office, with 10,000 developers - there are just 2, and the app is so cheap that there isn’t much money for fixing little things. So we prefer them to work on the big things, and we ignore the little things.

That’s why I say live with it. Because it’s not important.

I thought there 3 developers

Number of devs is irrelevant, any compiler on earth would report the same error

line 195 doesn’t end properly. So as far as the editor is concerned, the error is in line 196
