Does return break the function?

Soda touch events return true if the touch registers. So in your touched function you can put something like

if Soda.touched(touch) then return end –exit if Soda touch detected

I should update the Main template to reflect this. Thanks for raising this.

So please help me!

  • trying this times by myself, but nothing happens :frowning: *

return will cause an exit from a function.

And if you call from touched(t) a function, in that called function will return only break that function or both?

return will cause an exit only from the function it’s in.

EDIT: It appears that any code after a return in the touched function still gets executed.

From what I see with the return statement is:

1: There can be one statement after a return statement but no more.
2: That one statement will still be executed.
3: If the return statement is in an if statement, then nothing after the if statement will be executed.

@Simeon This doesn’t seem right. No statements should be allowed after a return statement let alone be executed. If you try to uncomment the second text statement, it causes an error.

function draw()
    background(40, 40, 50)

function xx()
    text("statement 1 executed after a return",WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2)
    --text("statement 2 executed after a return",WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2)

@dave1707, try returning a value with the return statement. For me at least, that makes the following line cause an error. I think the issue is just when return is called without anything after it, so returning nil.

@dave1707 @TheSolderKing Maybe the return is returning the text function?


function draw()
    background(40, 40, 50)

function xx()
    if true then
        return --0
        text("statement 1 executed after a return",WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2)
    text("statement 2 executed after a return",WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2)

Maybe return can only have one thing after it, then it must be an end. I guess this makes sense as you quit the function after returning a value, so you don’t need anything after it.

The return function returns the argument after it till the “end”

do return end

The option here:

    return text(arguments)

returns the text function, so calling the function where you place it, … Blabla bla I’ll just show it

function a()
    return print("Test")

function setup()
    a() -- Is going to run the returned print function

You can return only unpacked arguments!!

      "Test", "Test 2"

-- You have to call this by
A, B = functionCall()

My question was, if anything after end will be called, and it was answered.