doc for voxels get does not show coord

says get(key), should say get(coord, key)

I feel your pain.

Yes, that’s correct, I can change that

I made a new documentation repository for helping get everything fixed/up to date but as @Simeon pointed out there there already is one!

If you make pull requests regarding mistakes or omissions in the documentation we can integrate those. For instance, if you find a typo and send a push request, that makes it very easy for us to track and fix those issues. If you raise an issue in the repo we can keep track of it and eventually fix it.

I know it sounds like a pain but for us its a lot more motivating than trying to remember the 15 posts where someone said craft documentation sucks (I know it does)

I’ve started adding issues for stuff I know about, so we can sort them out

i’ll see if i can do that. i’m supposed to be all technical …