Community "kickstarter" for a working IAP addon.

@pelicantacos alright, I’ll give it a try, I can start learning now because I just uploaded my second app to the App Store, its in review rn. Do you have any recommendations for tutorials I should go to, or should I do it self-taught?

@CamelCoder nice, good work! I have not done a lot lately as I’m a teacher and just haven’t had the time around school and family. I sure do miss it!

As for recommendation on tutorials, I’d check out “Cheetomoskeeto” on Youtube. That’s what I used. They were a bit old, but I figured it out with the Corona Docs website and several others. The Docs are so helpful! I’ve been really pleased with Corona’s presentation and guides to help you learn. Good luck!

@Rodolphe, @pelicantacos, thanks v much for sharing. I may be missing a step. I got it to compile in Xcode ,added the IAP in iTunes, uploaded in in app launcher, then uploaded a new build. However, is it possible to test this in testflight? I can add it to my iOS app submission, but how do enable it for the testflight build?

I suspect because of this, if I just use purchaseitem after storeinit, the app crash because productlist objectatIndex is an empty array.

@zapaper Ya, there is a way. You shouldn’t be spending $$$ just to test your app. Go to users and roles and make a sandbox account, then when your testing it, sign out of your Apple ID then make a purchase, and sign in with your Sandbox Apple ID. These steps above are for testing. You said that it is returning an empty array. Go to iTunes connect, and go to management and taxes, then you have to request a form to do all your tax work. Then once you fill the form, send it to Apple and it should work!

@CamelCoder @pelicantacos thank you very much for all the help. I’m still trying to get it to work. Apple require a restore purchase function. Do you have something on codea you could share? Thanks in advance.

Finally managed to get it to work. Now working on the restore purchase function.