Codea 3.4.4 (302) (303)

@Simeon - mentioned this before but I think you may have missed what I meant. When you export a project on the first dialogue box you can see the heading and cancel at the top. Tapping on the middle button (ExportZipped Project) takes you to a second dialogue Project Ready with the Created Project outside and above the dialogue window. If you look at either side there is also two other options in green < Export Project to the left and Done > to the right. The Export Project one encroaches on the Search to filter projects dialogue box. This is in Landscape mode and in Portrait Mode. I have enclosed an image to show this but you need to look carefully to see it.

@Simeon @Dave1707 - I know I’ve mentioned this before but, there seems to be a difference in display with strokeWidth(1) when used with rect() and ellipse(). Try this out with and without noSmooth(). I seem to remember this was an effect with retina screens but - the upper rectangle is just visible and it looks to be less opaque so the background is influencing the colour.

-- strokewidth() demo

function setup()

function draw()
    -- This sets a dark background color 
    background(40, 40, 50)
   -- noSmooth()
    stroke(249, 255, 0)
    stroke(255, 0, 50)

@Bri_G When smooth is in effect, the line is blended with the background so there are no jagged edges. That means that the line doesn’t look as thick or bright. With noSmooth, there is no blending, so the color of the line is it’s full color and width which makes it look thicker and brighter.

@Bri_G Here’s an example showing the blending values of a line with smooth and noSmooth. I’m reading the r,g,b values of a cross section across both lines. Even though the color value is 255 for both lines, the left line is blended with the background (0) giving a value of 128 for the outer edges. The right line noSmooth has 255 for each color. So the left line has a light line (128) on each side of the brighter lines (255). If you change the strokeWidth, you see a thicker line, but on the left line, you’ll still have the 128 line on each side. It’s hard to see the 128 part, so the line looks thinner and dimmer. If you take a magnifying glass or loop and look at the left line, you be able to see the 128 parts better.


function setup()
    for x=190,230 do
        print(x.." = "..r.." "..g.." "..b)

function draw()

@dave1707 - fine, but why is ellipse different .

@Bri_G A strokeWidth(1) for an ellipse creates an edge 6 pixels wide. A strokeWidth(2) creates an edge 8 pixels wide. They both do blending for smooth and noSmooth. I guess they have to do thicker lines to make the ellipse edge look good for the curves for noFill. Probably the same reason why they do blending on both smooth and noSmooth.

@Simeon things seem fine with my iPhone but with my iPad I can no longer send screenshots as beta feedback. I’m using the latest OS. Is this a known issue?

@UberGoober What kind of problem are you having when trying to send the screenshots.

@UberGoober - did you save screenshots to the photos folder and then share from there?

I think my Codea instance is somehow disconnected from TestFlight.

Codea installs and updates from TestFlight, but TestFlight no longer automatically asks if I want to add details to crash reports, and as noted the “share as feedback” button is gone from the share menu on screenshots.

@dave1707 various problems, I think the first time was when the ‘find’ panel wasn’t finding text that was clearly there, visible to the left of it.

Lost a bunch of code again. Cursor jumps to the top of a page (not sure which one) and tons of stuff is gone.

@Simeon @John - still getting these coloured ‘search buttons’ spread around the tabs in code after a search. Pic attached shows setting up a cH search/replace after a cW search/replace. Look top left for search criteria and bottom left for issue.

Searach/Replace is so buggy that I always close and re-open my project after using it, fwiw.

@Simeon - ignore the crash report text - the file I tried to load as a readImage() was a CSV file.

@Simeon - on the above I have been combining a number of files into one asset folder for a project. This included graphic images as png’s, text as CSV all with similar names (I know stupid thing to do) but I came across an oddity. Some of th graphics were present as image01.png and image01@2x.png, ie twice the size of 1024x768. When I addressed the standard resolution I got an image which was twice the size of the screen and centred above the screen leaving a blank border at the bottom. I also included a print statement which cam back with details of the image size - odd. Is this expected behaviour, does Codea by default use the higher graphics res ? and why do I get a print of the image stats?

I need to play around with this a little more as it could be another feature that I am missin. I’ll try to set up a simple example and post it.

Edit: struggling with getting the demo to show graphics incorrectly, will post when I figure out what issue is. The print(img) does consistently print the image details (see pic) I assume this expected behaviour?

@Bri_G The print(img) has been around forever. It gives the regular and retina image sizes. The regular if you want to use whole pixel and raw if you want to use 1/2 pixel.

PS. The support for 1/2 pixel (raw) was added back in Codea 1.3.5 on March 20 2012.

@dave1707 - thanks for that. I was not aware of that is it documented anywhere?

@Bri_G See the addition I made to my above post. I don’t think there’s any info other than what you’ll find if you search on rawGet or rawSet.

#dave1707 - wow that was quick. Did you just search for that on the forum or is it detailed in the version updates?

@Bri_G I did a forum search. If you look in the Codea Roadmap at the top of the discussion list, you can find it there for version 1.3.5 .