Codea 3.4.3 (301)

Using (301) with iPad Pro and Magic Keyboard, often the %-> does not go to end of line. Instead it stays where it is. If I do → and then %->, it goes to the end of the line.

Easiest duplication I’ve found is on a new line type foobar, then cursor back between foo and bar, hit enter to split the line. %-> does nothing until you do an → alone.

(% = Command key, → = arrow key)


@Simeon I’m sorry to say I just lost some code, in version 301 on iPhone.

It was only a few lines that vanished, from two different tabs, but it definitely happened.

I don’t remember doing anything noteworthy either—this wasn’t in a project that writes to tabs or reads from tabs, and it also isn’t a project in a working copy repository.

@UberGoober thank you for the report! Sorry that it happened again

@RonJeffries thank you for the easy reproduction steps. Happens to me, too. Will fix

@RonJeffries looks like this is a bug with Caret Placement Style set to “Exact”

If you open Do → Preferences and set “Caret Placement Style” to “Word Boundary” this will behave as expected when using Cmd+Arrow navigation

@dave1707 - could you just check this out for me, attached a zipped copy of a timer I was playing with, rather than copying and posting the code. When I try to run it the run button won’t respond. So, I’m wondering if I have done something stupid with the code (not impossible) or there is something embedded in the file screwing up Codea.

@Bri_G Not sure what you’re referring to. Touching the screen starts and stops the timer, no problem there. Not sure what the yellow rectangle is supposed to do. There’s no code to do anything with it.

@dave1707 - thanks for testing it. The problem was it would not run for me at all.
Begining to think this may be an internet problem as some of my gear seems to be logged off and requires reconnecting. Could be dropouts from my internet service. Call for socket is at begining.

It did throw up an error that it had problems with a
“helper function”.

@Bri_G I never had any trouble with touching the screen to get it to stop or start. I took my iPad offline and your code still ran OK. Socket should be in the Codea code so internet problems shouldn’t matter.

@dave1707 - the first thing it does is the socket call which may start running before the screen switch occurs. I’ll try running with socket remarked out. Thanks.

ty, will try that!

Well I just had the losing-code bug happen in reverse.

In regards to a different thing, @dave1707 had suggested I simplify a project, so I spent a little time deleting around 10 of its tabs I didn’t actually need, and I then I started going through the actual code and deleting stuff.

Suddenly, for no appreciable reason, the cursor popped to the top of the tab I was on, and then I noticed, presto, all those tabs were back!

@Simeon - just installed iPadOS and noted a problem with export. In the second dialogue box, opened by export, there are three commands on the top of the window

< export project Create Project. Done >

which are not within the box but over the project window. Can’t remember seeing this before the new OS.

I’m still not enjoying the new handling of shortcuts. The cursor bounces down to the shortcut line whenever Codea thinks it might be able to help me. It is rarely correct about that, and there’s no practical way to get the cursor back where it belongs. up arrow down arrow nearly works, but the thing is, you’re typing away and then all of a sudden nothing is happening.

If we think of how such things usually work, they show up as a vertically stacked list and you cursor into it if you want to select something, or type tab if you want the one at the top. If you just keep typing, it leaves you alone.

I think it’d be better if Codea never stole the cursor. The question of how to get into the list then arises. Down arrow may not be the right choice, since down arrow usually takes you down one line in the editor. Tab might be a decent choice, since tabbing after typing a few characters is rare.

I don’t have a great idea, but I’m almost wishing I could turn the feature off, and that would be sad, because when you want it, it’s great.

@RonJeffries it shouldn’t steal the cursor — the only key events that are taken by the autocomplete suggestion bar are left / right arrow keys and tab (or return).

If Codea is eating other keypresses when the autocomplete bar shows up then that is a bug, if you have steps to reproduce that would be appreciated

I modelled the behaviour on other IDEs, which typically show a vertical list of suggestions. When the list appears, the up and down arrow keys no longer navigate your code but instead allow you to highlight a selection from the autocomplete list, return or the tab key will insert the suggestion

The only difference in Codea is that the list of suggestions is presented horizontally, so the left and right arrow keys are used to highlight an item in the list rather than up and down

yes, but consider this example:

assume there’s some suggestion, x1. you type x, and the suggestion appears. you don’t want x1, you’re done with x and want to cursor right, over a closing paren or something. you can’t: you’re trapped in suggestions until you tap the screen or cursor out of your line.

@RonJeffries I see, good point. I could change it so that you can navigate the autocomplete list with up/down keys instead of left/right — it may be the case that left/right is too commonly used to intercept

Also, just a note that the tilde/backtick key (`) will also dismiss autocomplete

Lost work.

Was in 2nd tab, tapping undo key several times in a row.

All of a sudden cursor was at top of 2nd tab, but 2nd tab was a different tab, because the entire project had reset itself to what (I’m assuming) was its state when I opened it — and I’d rearranged tabs since then.

And of course all the code I’d written since then was gone too.

iPad Pro, iOS 14, project synced with Working Copy.

tilde. i’ll remember that.

in other news, replace all destroyed my program again. fortunately, i had a git revert close at hand. i think replace should be removed.

finally, what makes find show some finds in black and others white?

I suppose it’s my own fault since I know this bug exists, and so I should close and re-open my project every minute or so, since the bug seems to reset a project to the last opened version, but this time I lost about an hour of work. Eeps.

@UberGoober I’d like to try to reproduce your environment

The project is in Codea, locally?

It is synced to Working Copy via the Synced Folder feature? Or some other way?