@sim @John @jfperusse - just running the demos. In the Shaders demo moved slider for texture right then left. Locks up on one, freezes screen. Closed Codea, ran again loaded Shaders demo and ran OK.
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Thank you for this report!
@sim @jfperusse - latest version of Codea 3.12.4 (497) crashed on me when I tried to run a project.
Posted a crash report.
Also, when opening and closing a project the icon window expanding and opening/closing juddered. At that point the load on the Codea engine should be minimal so I would expect a smooth animation.
Also - have you considered adding selection buttons to the project icons in the main Codea project list window then you can copy/move multiple projects in one pass ?
p.s. I know you can export all projects as a zip.