Codea 2.7.6 (148) Beta


  • Apple Pencil API support, see the new fields on the touch type in the docs
  • See the new example “Pencil Case” to demo them
  • Xcode export now supports all types of Codea projects, including ones using the Craft API


  • Old touch APIs are renamed, see the docs for details but in general: expect vector types where you had scalars before. E.g., touch.x and touch.y are now touch.pos


  • Fixes a bug where opening an external Codea project for editing could result in a blank editor
  • Fixes a bug where NSRange could be inserted into the code editor when selecting a sprite using the photo picker

Thanks, Simeon

Oooooooo all of that looks good :slight_smile:

I’m absolutely delighted to see things like touch now having vec2 support.