Card game (dropbox zip file, no installer)

Hi! I’ve been programming this for a couple weeks, since two sundays ago. Finially finished today! It’s a bit bare bones… I think this is a Japanese card game, that’s who taught me it anyway. I don’t know the name proper, and I may or may not have messed up the rules. Regardless, it works, and that’s what counts. You’ll have to download the zip file and then somehow get all the files into Codea yourself. I don’t know how to do that, so… good luck.

How to play

This is a matching game. You want to try and match as many as you can. You can make a move only if moving towards the left, the cards have to be one or three apart, and either their suit or rank must match.

Note: set rules.noForward to false if you want to move towards the right, it makes the game easier

You hit the big card to deal cards. It will deal a card to an empty field.

Link to the dropbox project


I got the card art from

The big card backing, i don’t know where I got that from. (Google images)


Could you put the project in a github or pastebin? It would make it a lot easier to download. :slight_smile: