Can we control render distance?

In vanilla Codea we can use perspective() or ortho() to set how far from the camera things get rendered.

Do we have control of that in craft?

I’m trying to make a fairly big scene, and it seems like things don’t have to get very far away before they stop being rendered.

You might want to look into camera.farPlane

@Simeon holy shamoley! There’s way more info there than I was able to find in the in-app reference pages. Is it actually in there somewhere, and I missed it somehow?

@UberGoober - just out of interest are you using a skybox?

@Bri_G not yet, but I plan to

@UberGoober - just wondering if Craft had a default one which could hide distant objects.

Just given me an idea for a shelved project I had, need to resurrect that after I finish my latest one.

@UberGoober It should be the same as what’s in the in-app reference. If you go to the Craft chapter and choose you should get the same info

@Simeon huh, you’re right. I could have sworn I searched through that.

It doesn’t come up in a reference search, however (see attached image).