I’ve asked that they reconsider. Honestly, the name is half the gimmick.
@Mark - Apple are there own worst enemy sometimes…
Really odd, as there are such classic names as “Burp and Fart Piano”, “Plumber Crack”, “Poop Analyzer”, “Toilet Buddy”, and many other classics. It seems like it totally depends on who the reviewer is.
.@Mark I too was curious why they’d “reject” it then I came across this
Who knew such a word existed
Actually, @negedkid, that first definition was exactly what I was aiming at. I remember it being a frequent “curse” of the Colonel on MASH. Something akin to “fiddlesticks” or “shucks.”
And what do you know, I won my appeal!
So Bull Puckey is on its way to the store any minute now.
Use a bull on a hockey puck mounted bull to herd cows into golf holes.
Too much bull?
(Sorry, sorry, sorry)
Nice one @Mark - Just tried to buy it and got a curious error when I pressed the purchase button in the AppStore : “ix.ApplicationNotCompatible.SoftwareUpdateDescription”
Anyone else got this? Just thought I’d let you know… :-/
Working fine here, Cute little game
@Andrew_Stacey. Good catch. Time to edit the meta data.
@andymac3d Can you tell me what device you were using? I’ve downloaded to a 2 without problem but I wonder if something I did is making problems for either minis or retina displays.
@Briarfox Thank you. I’m working on an update that adds more holes, prairie dogs, and snakes.
@Mark - just checked my specs… iPad 3, iOS 6.0 - appears I haven’t updated my OS (thought i had!) as quite correctly, your app is only qualified to run run on 6.1+ according to the store… I’ll see if this fixes it…
Good catch, @andymac3d. There’s certainly nothing in te app that requires 6.1, it’s just that I failed to set the right flags when uploading. Another thing to fix for next time.
Here are five promo keys for a free copy of BullPuckey. Just post a note when you use a key and I’ll take it off the list. Thanks.
With thanks to those on this forum who have helped so much on this and other projects.
Hi Mark, I’ve taken the first promo code! Thanks!
I’ve nabbed the second with gratitude.
Got to the end of level 18 and it crashed
Line 333, followed by 396, followed by 365 - all attempt to index nil value.
Good fun though! Does keep distracting me from finishing my own projects!
A suggestion for adding more longevity - add a star rating system for each island ( angry birds style) - would provide a reason for revisiting levels to get a better star rating (based on minimising number of moves)
@West well whoops! It’s supposed to just lock down the “next” button at that point. Another reason to rush that update.
Actually there should be a rating. Check the map for stars.
3 is taken. Thanks!
@Mark… I’ll take promo code #4. Thanks.
I’ll take 5 please