Boxing Sim 2 Players Example

I’ve created a little fun boxing game for two players:

Have fun!
Andreas Pardeike

Hi @paradeike, I love it ! The movements are so fluid and they are like little puppets or rag dolls… :slight_smile:

That is brilliant, it reminds me of Ragdoll Masters with a bit of QWOP mixed in.

Cool :-bd

But you need to improve the controls :frowning:

Hey @Connorbot999

Can you tell me more? What do you like/not like and what do you have in mind to make it better?

The controls ar not sensitive

And the controls need to be More lick a joystick not a circle

But is still cool :wink:

And funny :-))

(Guys im sorry about my spelling)

@Connorbot999 please don’t make posts that contain no useful information. @pardeike asked for specific feedback. Either answer his question or don’t post.

No I’m poting it ther becos I lick the siyt neyt.

I will pot my comment ther

Hehe that’s cool. And so similar to how I would fight in real life :stuck_out_tongue:

This is pretty awesome! I just suggest you turn up the drag a lot and add a little explanation of how the controls work. And now I can beat my friends up! b-(

As @Bortels said in another thread - Connorbot999, can you write in proper English? I can’t understand a word you say.

@pardeike This game is fantastic, and hilarious fun! :smiley: love it!

Great game. Thank you for posting.

For some reason I could not receive the email with the code pasted in until I removed this line:

I had to send a small block of code (even line by line after a bit) at a time until I found that line to be the culprit.

It was worth it though as I really like the project and can learn quite a bit from it.

(Guys im sorry about my spelling) :frowning:

Hi, I typed in the code, but I am getting errors. When I checked my typing, I didn’t find an error. Specifically:

line 339: attempt to index local ‘part2’ (a nil value)
line 105: attempt to index local ‘hand’ (a nil value)

Any help will be appreciated. I am very new to Codea/Lua.

This is great!