@Simeon both FULLSCREEN and FULLSCREEN_NO_BUTTONS seem to be returning odd values for screen size, as if the sidebar is still being deducted from available space.
supportedOrientations() is not working
I can’t move tabs around anymore unless I am currently editing that tab
Closing, opening and running projects all seem to take longer than before
When I pause I get the message: “Error: Game frame time has exceeded [something]. skipping frame”
I am able to exit out during an infinite loop
same as @Mark with the sizes, but it seems to fix itself during draw
@jakattak My problem is that I’m capturing screen sizes during setup, then using those sizes in calculating the scaling of elements. Which means I have incorrect values from which I build my layout. Same issue as you on SupportedOrientations().
It seems that WIDTH
is incorrect in the setup
function (it’s showing the with in the normal mode). I think that’s what @Mark was saying. Also, when creating a project the “Create” button seems to be going outside of the view.
I also fell like there should be confirmation that the project icon was set. I press the button, and it just disappears. Just my opinion.
It might also be nice to have a way to remove the project icon.
When exporting the project, the icon is also not automatically set, while it seems like it should.
It might also be nice to be able to rename assets, especially text files.
The other thing is that it might also be nice to have a loading indicator when exiting a view, since it takes up to 10 seconds, resulting in the user constantly tapping the back button with no result.
Just my opinion, again.
@Mark sounds like a bug with the new threaded renderer, we’ll need to fix the WIDTH and HEIGHT during setup. Same goes for triple tap.
@JakAttak supportedOrientations() is a bug, we’ll have to work to restore the old behaviour (although in iOS 8 we may need to deprecate the whole API anyway).
@Zoyt does it take up to 10 seconds in the new version? Or was it always this long? Does it only happen on particular projects? Good idea on including the icon for export. The “Create” button issue is an iOS 8 thing I’ll need to fix (shouldn’t happen on 7)
The pausing thing is interesting — did you pause in the middle of a long computation? At the moment the pause button attempts to wait until the next frame, otherwise it will force the frame to get dropped if it takes too long (which is why you see the error message). I think this aspect needs a bit of polish and we have a few ways to go with the pause button:
- Pause always waits until the next frame to stop (this means if you have an infinite loop, pause will do nothing)
- Pause has a time out until it forces the frame to stop (this means that it’s possible to put your code in an invalid state, if you are in the middle of a lengthy loop computing something and pause, and it doesn’t finish, the loop will be stopped half way through)
- Pause has a time out, but asks you if you want to force pause if it’s taking too long
@JakAttak when you say opening and running projects is slower, is it the opening in the text editor, or when you press play?
@Simeon, it is both opening and running
for pause, I think option three seems the best.
video recoding working back again! Wooohoooo!
video record length always indicate 00:00.
The first time i saved the video i had an error message (timout something) and the program stopped. However i could not reproduce it.
As others: Width is wrong so it bugs my programs, that worked fine before.
i tried to run cargo-bot built in project in lanscape mode. Really act weird. And doesnt work.
good to see the [X] is back.
Now that the X is there, it makes double usage with the [<] on top left. And when from my project i want to get the built in doc there is no button. I must 1/ bring the keyboard, 2/ tap the eye button, 3/ hide the keyboard if i want to browse the doc. Or 1/ leave the project, 2/ tap the top left >, 3/ reopen my project 4/ go back to my tab.
None of this is very handy, is it? So i suggest to use the top left [>] to open the doc from the project (as it does from codea screen).
@Jmv38 but then you would need to hide the keyboard to exit your project, this is the reason the ‘<’ button was introduced in the first place. I agree that there could be more easy access to the docs, though.
Thank you for all the bug reports.
very nice to make the project icon from screenshot. The text showing in the choice popup should be more readable, though.
where is this image saved? How big is it? How can it removed from memory?
Any idea when the width/height will be repaired? I cant really work on my programs with this problem. If it is more than a few days, i’ll revert back to released version to be able to work…
@Jmv38, most of my elements are Width and Height based, so I had to fix it myself
- Copy this code:
_displayMode = displayMode
function displayMode(mode)
local fl, fs, sl, ss = 1024, 768, 749, 493
if mode == OVERLAY or mode == FULLSCREEN or mode == FULLSCREEN_NO_BUTTONS then
if CurrentOrientation == PORTRAIT or CurrentOrientation == PORTRAIT_UPSIDE_DOWN then
WIDTH, HEIGHT = fs, fl
WIDTH, HEIGHT = fl, fs
if CurrentOrientation == PORTRAIT or CurrentOrientation == PORTRAIT_UPSIDE_DOWN then
WIDTH, HEIGHT = ss, fl
WIDTH, HEIGHT = sl, fs
Create a blank file (call it whatever, I did DisplayMode)
Move the newly created tab to be the furthest left tab (very first)
Place the copied code in this tab
This will force the correct WIDTH and HEIGHT values
@Simeon, AirCode is broken in iOS 8 - it crashes Codea once you go to the address on your computer
@Jmv38 we’re working on the displayMode / supportedOrientations issue. Hopefully fixed over the weekend.
@JakAttak thanks for letting me know about the iOS 8 issue. Looks like there are quite a few.
thanks @jakattak & @Simeon
when trying to save a 2’20" video i had this message:
error: Game frame time exceeded. Skipping frame.
but the saving worked.
it seems that the video recod now at 60Hz (speed is jot /2 any longer)
sound() kills codea when i touch the () to pick a sound.
looks like CC doesnt work properly
Thanks @Jmv38 - fixed the sound() issue. How is CC not working properly?
@Jmv38 What issues are you having with CC?
CC: i tried to run various project with the rocket, but they all failed, with an error. Finally one worked, so maybe it is normal.