Ah, I was guessing on the Aussie spelling. Boo. Do drive on the wrong side too?
And I’m actually curious - does your iPad use American or British spelling? I was going to try it out for kicks, but “English” on my iPad at least is American English… It’s odd they would have “Suomi” (whatever that is) but not “British English”
Sorry @Bortels, we Aussies use the Queen’s English… I’m afraid to say the iPad calls American English ‘English’… I have now switched it to British English… but my keyboard stays US!
But I don’t even have a “British English” option! No fair!
Long ago, we had an Aussie exchange student stay with us for a few weeks. Most amusing. It sure didn’t sound like the Queen’s English… (I suspect he was hamming up the accent, just a bit - it’s popular here. Instant cool, at least in college with a bunch of northern-european blonde chicks…)
Sadly, due to the influence of Neighbours and other such classics, British English is beginning to sound increasingly Australian.
I’ll keep an eye out for gesture bugs. I’m not sure I’ve figured out what all the gestures are - I’ll read back through the announcements to see if I can figure it out.
WordtoavoidVanillahyperlinkbug @Simeon, I’ve gotten the hang of the new cursor control with gestures, and have figured out how to get across the screen - a second swipe of course, like a mouse when you run out of table. This is ok. I like how you can initiate the gesture from the keyboard without triggering a character to be written. I didn’t realise this at first and was starting on shift unnecessarily. Select mode is great with holding down the shift button.
I did find the gestures to be a little strict in detecting what direction I wanted to go in… At the end of a line, for example, I had to trace straight down to get the cursor to move, when intuition told me to angle the gesture towards the target.
Thank you for your feedback, @Fred. It’s important to get this right or I might inadvertently frustrate people.
@frosty has reported issues with the gestures triggering while typing. Have you experienced this? I have seen it happen twice. It appears to happen when a second finger hits the keyboard simultaneously while typing in certain circumstances. I’ve added a Keyboard Gestures toggle switch to the settings panel in case people don’t like them.
I’ve disabled the on-keyboard gestures for 1.4, you can enable them in the settings sidebar. I’ve also made them even more conservative about triggering. In some future release I’ll enable them as the default option.
(Also in recent betas tabs with errors in them will highlight in red when you press the play button. It still needs improvement, but it’s better than before.)
One request: when there’s an alpha character within the parens of a command like color(), can you turn off the auto select?
I’m forever being frustrated by my inability to select a value within a programmatically defined color, stroke, etc. Having to select outside the statement and scroll in just to change “i * 10” into “I * 11” is a pain.
Also, nifty as the design is, does anyone really use the number selects? I find them much more of a problem than an aid.
I plan to add a little web page to the news-line on the home screen (“New Features in 1.4”) that goes through how to use Dropbox, the new buttons, and more.
That would be good, @Simeon. Another thing I just noticed is that my CurrentTouch.y seems to be offset by +6… Am I doing it wrong or has something changed?
Hi @Simeon, I noticed it when I made a two-dimensional array to match the screen resolution, and kept crashing out of bounds up the top edge of the screen. So I ignored the array indexing and used text() to display the CurrentTouch.y and noticed I never got down lower than 7… and it reached 773. I just tried it in a fresh empty project and same effect:
-- Use this function to perform your initial setup
function setup()
print("Hello World!")
-- This function gets called once every frame
function draw()
-- This sets a dark background color
background(40, 40, 50)
-- This sets the line thickness
-- Do your drawing here
text(CurrentTouch.x .." ".. CurrentTouch.y, WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2 )