Images now showing up in Dropbox and documents, lovely. I also like the cut and paste!
Project readImage now broken entirely, but I guess it was broken before, heh. I’ll hold off on that until you say try again.
Some way to tell if an image exists would be handy now that users can delete them - if readImage returned nil for a nonexistent image that would suffice. (I was keeping a flag in project storage, but that obviously won’t update when someone munges the spritepack by hand)
Ps this is all awesome. You should take volume of feedback as an indication of excitement, not that things are wrong. Between the spritepack improvements and http.get for images, we can now totally avoid the heinousness of having to encode/decode graphics and do a giant cut-paste - a tremendous stride forward!
Btw, behind the scenes I’ve made use of http.get, including post mode and headers and so on - the lack of feedback there means its just working, which is neat. Some way to ignore a self-signed server cert would still be a good thing - I can’t hit my own home server ssl because it uses a self-signed cert, and some other stuff I’d like to hit (f5 load balancers, it’s a work thing) do the same.
So, the editor is crashing codea if you lean on the backspace. Duplicated the behavior in my project and a copy of Spritely. Sometimes it takes 1 line, sometimes a whole page. Tried it on the same code repeatedly, happens at different times. iPad 3. Tried hard-kill of codea, didn’t help.
@Andrew_Stacey I’ve looked into it and it seems only a limited number of users are allowed while the app is in “Development” mode. This is a Dropbox API restriction.
A bit frustrating as it makes it difficult to test.
Shame about the Dropbox. Ah well, I’ll have to remember to be quicker on the install next time.
I just had a go with the new image stuff and successfully imported an image from my camera roll. That’s fantastic. Of course, I want more! My test application was a simple 14-15 puzzle. It’d be nice to make it so that the user could select the picture from their camera roll. I was hoping that maybe spriteList("Documents") would give a list of stuff in the camera roll and I could simply iterate through this list, or maybe get the current selected image, but that doesn’t seem possible yet.
@Andrew_Stacey unfortunately iOS does not allow one to programatically iterate through the camera roll. You must use their standard interface (you’ll notice that the sprite picker changes a bit when you enter the camera roll selection). This is for privacy reasons. The best we’ll be able to do is to add a call like:
I would quite like that for a couple of projects. It would be quite fun to let the kids take a picture with the iPad and then do something silly with it, or make their own 14-15 game out of it.
It’s a very good suggestion. I don’t think it will make 1.4 (unless I finish the other features early), but it could definitely be included down the track in the 1.4.x release set.
Oh wow, didn’t realise the tap left or right feature was still available on the little new buttons! Maybe we need a video tutorial to demonstrate all the subtle features?
I’d actually like to see the contents of the “math” key (with [] and > and so on) on their own row - I’m happy to give up the real-estate… Maybe tapping that key could toggle that row on and off?
I also like the new experiment with the cursor control. I think it is a step forward, but I wondered whether I was doing it right when I sometimes ran out of screen. For example the cursor was on the left edge of the screen and I wanted to go to the end of my line at the right edge. With the button being in the middle, I only got half way. What about using the acceleration of the swipe to increase the distance moved? Maybe I haven’t got the hang of it but that was my first impression.
What about making the cut copy paste menu pop up closer to the select button if you release it? Otherwise you have to put your finger over the words anyway.
On another issue, I loved the image saving and loading, but I didn’t get what the edit button allows me to do, it brought up white spots with a no entry sign, but I was expecting a traditional delete option.
Once http stopped working until I quit Codea and relaunched.
I’m getting to grips with the new stuff as well and liking what I can do. Nothing specific to say as yet.
Oh, except @#($&Y^%!# to all the Americans and their spellings. I just spent ages debugging something only to find out that I’d written mymesh.colours = arrayOfColours.
So far as I can tell, it’s only the Brits who seem to have a surplus of "u"s and like to sprinkle them throughout the words… “colour”, “armour”, “queen”…
In 'Merka, it’s “color”
In Brazil, from whence Lua comes, they speak Spanish, and it’s “color”
In Australia, where TLL lives, its “color, mate”
I see a trend. Just sayin.
Having said that, out of curiosity - does an iPad set with British english spell-correct “color” to “colour”? Maybe you just need to change its nationality. (mine is set to “English” and it autocorrects “colour” to color…)
@Andrew_Stacey I use colour here as well. (And favourite, neighbour, organise, etc.) But for coding it’s best to stick to US spelling or things rapidly deteriorate.
@Bortels actually we use British spelling here in Australia. I just stick to US spelling for the above reason. I don’t mind either.
By the way could anyone let me know if they get any accidental cursor movements while typing in the new beta (1.4 b6). This would be quite important, as I have submitted 1.4 to Apple but would consider rejecting it if the keyboard gestures cause these sorts of errors.