Background music

I am confused about how to implement music in my code. Is it possible to create your own soundtrack and put it in the game in Codea or do I have to transfer my code into Xcode first?

Music per se isn’t currently supported in Codea, although there is low-level sound support and sound effects. If you want to implement music within your Codea code, the check out my ABC music player. It’s an ugly hack. :slight_smile: otherwise, you could put some Objective-C code to play a file in your Xcode project. There are some threads in the forum on these options. Good luck!

There is also new David Such’s tutorial about sound:

Tutorial 28 - Codea v1.5.2: Objective C Add On, Audio

I am not using Xcode yet so I will try the ABC Player but should I copy all the files in github as different projects in Codea, or which file shall I copy so that I can use the ABC Player? Thanks…

I just updated Tutorial 28 to include a sample Codea project which has power level meters for the left and right speakers.