Are there issues with a single large file for a project?

Most people would. :slight_smile:

But if itā€™s the only way to import binary data - Iā€™d be all over it, you bet.

I just cut-and-pasted a 4000 line file that was 1.3Mb in size and whilst it took a while to register, it worked fine. The 5000 line file alluded to above is 3.4Mb in size (the lines are longer!).

The 4000 line file, by the way, was a conversion of a NetPPM image (in ā€œPlain PPMā€ format) to a Codea image. To my amazement, it worked!

Apple is fine with apps downloading files, but when it comes to that same app running that downloaded file to change itā€™s functionality, they have a problem. ???

So in-app purchases should be banned too? lmao

In-app purchases are vetted by Apple the same as apps. So yes - theyā€™re fine with those.

What they arenā€™t fine with is unvetted code. They want final say over what you can or cannot do on your own ipad, because they fear it will upset their business model.

The hope is there is some way to convince Apple that code written and running under Codea is not a threat to their app store - in fact, it rather drives traffic to them. As an anecdote, I would not have known about or bought the GLSL apps I bought had my interest in Codea not driven me to look for them. Engagement is good, and Apple knows that - they just need to come to the conclusion that the extra engagement is worth the minimal risk. (It should be clear it is - any successful app author will tell you that making a really good app is only the first step - the real success comes from Appleā€™s promotion of your app in itā€™s stores.)

So the main problem is running the code on an iPad without apple reviewing it first?

Yep. On the nose.

The disconnect is because Apple never considered users writing and running their own code - indeed, in the beginning, interpreters were disallowed, so it wasnā€™t really even a possibility. So - they made app submission guidelines with that in mind.

When they allowed interpreters, and allowed user-edited code for them - this situation kinda bloomed into being, and their policies currently donā€™t handle the situation well.

I honestly believe in the long run theyā€™ll come around. I just hope itā€™s ā€œthis month sometimeā€, not ā€œ3 years from nowā€.

Yeah. Just out of curiosity is LUA based on c++? I was writing code on some paper the other day and a friend of mine was shocked because he thought I was writing in c++ (he knows a little).)

Lua is actually quite different from C++. Hereā€™s a comparison:

Lua code to print the numbers 1 to 100 and insert them into a table (array)

array = {}

for i = 1, 100 do
    print( "Value is " .. i )

    array[i] = i

C++ code to do the same

#include <vector>

std::vector<int> array;

for( int i = 1; i <= 100; i++ )
    std::cout << "Value is " << i << std::endl;

    array.push_back( i )

Lua and C++ (and about a hundred other languages) steal useful idioms from C, the granddaddy of all procedural languages. The three-part for loop (ā€œfor x=1; x<10; x++ā€) is classic C.

But I find a lot of people see what they are used to - when I first saw Lua, my first thought was that it had a lot in common with perl syntax. :slight_smile: And - it does! And that makes a lot of sense, they both fill similar roles, and were both developed in similar environments at roughly the same timeā€¦


Omg this is complicated! ā€”>

I Love lua

This was ment at simeon.

But - btw - lua comes from visual basic, doesnt it?

Heh - funny part is, a friend of mine was ranting yesterday about the new ā€œStoryboardā€ stuff in xcode4, and I looked at it, and went ā€œHuh, Visual Basicā€.

I liked VB a lot. Itā€™s strength was also itā€™s weakness - it allowed a lot of people to write and share some really crappy applications. Not that you canā€™t write crappy apps in a higher level language - but VB made it easy! I used the hell out of it for a while, back when windows was still coolā€¦ (basically windows jumped the shark with either 98 or ME, whichever came firstā€¦ I forgetā€¦)

Classic C would declare the counter variable outside of loop scope?

int i;
for( i = 1; i <= 100; i++ )

C99 introduced for loop scoping. But thatā€™s kind of newish (for C).

Iā€™m not sure - I havenā€™t done straight C inā€¦ maybe 15 years? A long time. Iā€™m pretty sure when I was messing with it, you could inline the var as ā€œfor ( var i = 1; ā€¦ā€, but it was a long time ago, and other languages have pushed that out of my brainā€¦ I might be having javascript hallucinations.

UNTIL i = 100
DISPLAY "Value is " i;

I donā€™t have the patients to describe how and where to define i. Be thankful for the 21st century.

Interface Builder is similar to Visual Basic, but Storyboarding takes place a level above that - the entire App is laid out on a single page. Itā€™s pretty cool to be able to sketch it out in that way, though still a bit buggy.

One of the things Xcode4 added that I havenā€™t seen anywhere else is to be able to drag directly from your UI into your code to link things up, or from your code to the UI.

@Ipda41001 is that COBOL? Iā€™m glad I never experienced it.

The language I found strangest to use was Prolog. I really liked Haskell though.

Yep, COBOL. Commands are in CAPS because your working in a monochrome environment with about 24 lines or paper (a flat single use iPad like device make from trees and updated with dark liquid) :slight_smile:

Interesting, they make iPads from trees now? And you write on them with blood?

Mmmā€¦ COBOL. Fortran. Ada later, and turbo pascal on the pc. The computer lab with rows of terminals and a wide carriage dot matrix printer at the end full of greenbar. Nethack.