when i open Shader, not yet started trial, it shows four spurious non-Shader files in addition to repopulating the samples with the current date. the files are all over my file system, some in dropbox, at least one in working copy.
@RonJeffries - are you posting about Shade or the Shaderlab ?
@Simeon I just tried to use Shaderlab and it opened to a Codea icon which you could move but none of the editing features present. Anyone else see this?
Edit: Don’t answer that, just answered my own question - you need to select a shader from the FX folder which outputs as the mobile window and also displays the vertices and fragment shaders code windows/tabs. Sorry need to read the beta update notes thoroughly.
@RonJeffries the next version of Shade (1.1) will be addressing this. It will show markdown files, Lua files and shaders
The reason for showing Lua files is the next version of Shade has a Lua-based plugin system for writing your own shader exporters, so you can edit the plugins in Shade if necessary
@RonJeffries recent files will show all recent files that Shade can open. Because we do support Markdown files for things like readmes then they will show up in the list. It won’t show all your 400 markdown files from Dropbox unless all 400 happen to be very recently viewed or edited in Shade and other apps which use the Document Browser
The browse view lets you navigate to the exact folder you want, the recent view just shows things on your file system you have recently opened in your apps (filtered by supported type of the viewing application)
We can’t change this behaviour because this is Apple’s Document Browser UI and is basically the files app. Once 1.1 is out I think you will see mostly shaders in the recents view