After exporting to the Xcode project, the compiler succeeded, but the operation failed.

After exporting the Codea project to the Xcode project, the compiler succeeded, but the operation failed. Has anyone ever encountered such a problem?

Using the ‘Codea’ built-in sample project ‘Froggy’ exported as the ‘Xcode’project, the compilation was successful, but an error occurred at runtime.

Xcode version?13.3?13E113?
macOS Monterey version?12.2.1

The info:

Main:21: Failed to load shader: 
stack traceback:
	[C]: in field 'scene'
	Main:21: in function 'setup'

Main:135: attempt to index a nil value (global 'scene')
stack traceback:
	Main:135: in function 'update'
	Main:150: in function 'draw'