A typewriter/text drip function to call in draw --typewriter(string, rate, x, y, sound) for rpg game

had to code this for rpg style text. thx love2d forums for answering my question on how to drip text. Try it :slight_smile:

-- typed

function setup()

    x = 256
    y = 256
    rate = 10      -- type 10 characters per second
    example = [[TYPEWRITER
    x: ]]..x..[[
    y: ]]..y..[[
    rate: ]]..rate..[[

function draw()
    text('*', x - 80, y)
    typewriter(example, rate, x, y, SOUND_HIT)

--Made for Codea, initially for Love2d
--THANKS azhukar for giving me the initial code that i based this on
--CODEA VERSION (love version coming soon)
You can and should call typewriter from the draw function.
What it does is slowly types out text to the screen using text()
--The first parameter is the string to type
--the second parameter controls the speed of typing
--the third and fourth parameters set the drawing location
--the fifth parameter is a string to play a sound when typing a character
local __drip = {}   --cache the dripped text

local function dripText(text,charactersPerSecond,startTime,beep,label)
    --In Love2d we use love.timer.getTime() instead of ElapsedTime

    local c = charactersPerSecond   --the rate of speaking
    local d = ElapsedTime - startTime   --time since the first call to typewriter
    local n = math.floor (d * c)    --the number of characters typed
    local s = __drip[label][1]      --the string that is typed
    if n > #s then      
        sound(beep)     --play a sound
        return text:sub(1, n)
    return nil

--the typewriter function can write text like a typewriter onto your screen
--it's meant to be placed into the draw function
--it takes the following parameters
--The first parameter is the string to type
--the second parameter controls the speed of typing, think of it as characters per second
--the third and fourth parameters set the drawing location
--the fifth parameter is a string for the sound when typing a character
--set fill, wrapwidth, etc before you call typewriter
--note that since typewriter uses textAlign(LEFT)
--you should use: textMode( CENTER )
--if using LOVE2D here's a quick glossary of codea text() functions
--fill(r,g,b,a) sets the text color; 
--wrapWidth(int) causes text to wrap onto the next line; 
--textAlign(LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT) sets the alignment of text
--and is generally used with textWrapWidth;
--textMode( CORNER|CENTER ) sets the origin of text(string,x,y)
----corner: x,y specifies the lower left corner 
----center: x,y specifies the center
--sound(string) plays a sound (i.e. sound('Documents:Beep') )
function typewriter(s, r, x, y, b)
    local StartTime     
    local label = table.concat({s,r}, ', ')
    if not __drip[label] then
        StartTime = ElapsedTime
        --in love2d use StartTime = love.timer.getTime()
        __drip[label] = {[1]='', [2]=StartTime} 
    elseif s == __drip[label][1] then   
        --in love2d replace text(s,x,y) with love.graphics.print(s,x,y)
        --[[not sure what replaces textAlign]]
        local start = __drip[label][2]
        __drip[label][1] = dripText(s, r, start, b, label) or __drip[label][1]
        local str = __drip[label][1]