A Crappy Plasma Globe

Here’s a little crappy plasma globe demo I made today. It was inspired by some code I found for implementing a simple electricity effect at http://krazydad.com/bestiary/bestiary_lightning.html . If you change the display mode to STANDARD you can tweak all of the various parameters for it. With a some effort this could be made a lot less crappy, but since I’m just playing around I don’t really care to do anymore to it.

function setup()
    iparameter("minBolts", 1, 50, 5)
    iparameter("maxBolts", 1, 50, 10)
    iparameter("minLineWidth", 1, 20, 3)
    iparameter("maxLineWidth", 1, 20, 5)
    iparameter("minDetail", 1, 30, 5)
    iparameter("maxDetail", 1, 30, 20)
    iparameter("minDisplacement", 1, 1000, 100)
    iparameter("maxDisplacement", 1, 1000, 200)

    touches = {}
    center = vec2(WIDTH*0.5, HEIGHT*0.5)
    diameter = math.min(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
    radius = diameter * 0.5

function touched(touch)
    if touch.state == BEGAN or touch.state == MOVING then
        local tp = vec2(touch.x, touch.y)
        if center:distSqr(tp) <= radius*radius then
            touches[touch.id] = tp
            local v = (tp - center):normalize() * (radius-8)
            touches[touch.id] = center + v
    elseif touch.state == ENDED then
        touches[touch.id] = nil

-- ported from code at http://krazydad.com/bestiary/bestiary_lightning.html
function drawLightning(x1, y1, x2, y2, displace, detail)
    if displace < detail then
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
        local midx = (x2+x1) * 0.5
        local midy = (y2+y1) * 0.5
        midx = midx + (math.random() - 0.5) * displace
        midy = midy + (math.random() - 0.5) * displace
        drawLightning(x1, y1, midx, midy, displace * 0.5, detail)
        drawLightning(x2, y2, midx, midy, displace * 0.5, detail)

function draw()
    -- swap max and mins if necessary
    local minB = math.min(minBolts, maxBolts)
    local maxB = math.max(minBolts, maxBolts)
    local minW = math.min(minLineWidth, maxLineWidth)
    local maxW = math.max(minLineWidth, maxLineWidth)    
    local minDt = math.min(minDetail, maxDetail)
    local maxDt = math.max(minDetail, maxDetail)    
    local minDp = math.min(minDisplacement, maxDisplacement)
    local maxDp = math.max(minDisplacement, maxDisplacement)
    -- count touch points
    local numTouchBolts = 0    
    for k,v in pairs(touches) do numTouchBolts = numTouchBolts + 1 end
    -- draw thin bolts
    stroke(64, 64, 255)
    local numBolts = math.random(minB, maxB)
    local mb = math.random(0, 1)
    numBolts = math.max(mb, numBolts - numTouchBolts*4)
    for i = 1, numBolts do
        local detail = math.random(minDt, maxDt)
        local displace = math.random(minDp, maxDp)
        local angle = math.rad(math.random(0, 360))
        local rv = vec2(0, 1):rotate(angle) * radius
        local p = center + rv
        strokeWidth(math.random(minW, maxW))
        drawLightning(center.x, center.y, p.x, p.y, displace, detail)
    -- draw thicker bolts to touch points
    strokeWidth(maxW * 3)
    stroke(256, 0, 128)
    for k,v in pairs(touches) do
        local detail = math.random(minDt, maxDt)
        local displace = math.random(minDp, maxDp) * 0.5
        drawLightning(center.x, center.y, v.x, v.y, displace, detail)
    -- draw the ball edge
    fill(0, 0, 0, 0)    
    ellipse(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, diameter) 
    -- draw the ball center
    fill(192, 0, 128)
    ellipse(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, 50)

Very good, @toadkick.

Nice! Not crappy. Love it!

Thanks! :slight_smile: