I’ve signed up, I found 2048 fun for a short time when it first came out. The video hints at an interesting variation so I’d be interested in seeing how it works.
Hopefully you can work out which is my testflight account without me needing to put my name here … (hint: look at the email address registered on TF)
@LoopSpace, @SkyTheCoder, I cleared my test flight recruits after posting the first message so I will just assume all new ones wish to be included - feel free not to mention your true identity
Just finished up icons and splash screen - it’s ready.
I have sent out the first build for all of you.
Note: Some of you have multiple iPads, I just picked the most updated one. If you want the other one included, let me know.
Things I’m particularly interested in feedback on:
I designed the tutorial to be impossible to fail and to force you to learn before you can play. Please let me know how it works, if there are any issues, etc.
Ease of use
Is the UI easily understandable, can you do everything you want to / should be able to?
It is, hands-down, the coolest 2048-based game I have played. However, it seems sort of easy. Since the balls vanish on touch if there is nothing to merge with, the game can easily be played indefinitely. Also, not sure if this is a bug or meant for beta testing purposes, but when I kill the app and re-launch it, it restarts from the tutorial. The tutorial explains everything perfectly, but maybe you should have more examples of powerballs (like the other types), and not let it be treated like an actual game at the end (finishing and highscore inclusion). The UI is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. It has everything needed for a game like this, and the animations are great. In my opinion, no changes needed here. Overall, it is an AWESOME game with great potential.
You could play indefinitely, or at least until the balls come so fast you can’t keep up, but since the score is calculated based on what you have at the end, it would be of no advantage to you.
The tutorial showing every time was for my testing, I forgot to change it before sending it out. I fixed it for the next build
The rest of the powerballs are included in the ‘Help’ section, but maybe I will add them to the tutorial
@JakAttak Good concept of score calculation. I assumed that every time you merged, your score increased. And now, suggestions. When you hit the pause button, maybe you could have a menu? Like with options for resume, restart, quit, and help. And maybe you could have the ball indicator change color to red as it gets closer to 30? Also, when is the next build coming out? I’ve kind of gotten addicted to the game.