I know I’ve posted a few too many of these, but I’m soon to release a game later this month with Codea (yay!), and I thought I might post a few features in Codea that could have been helpful.
Different media storage method
We’re developer on this forum, not people who have never seen a computer before. We don’t need a unified, simple media storage method. It’s super hard to find an image in a sea of images, not to mention without searching and folders. Here’s how I think Codea should do it:
There are 3 types of places to store media: The global, cloud based (iCloud/DropBox/Box/Google Drive), and project specific locations. You can put whatever types of files and directories in there that you want. You wold also be able to open files in Codea from other apps to store. Then, we access the files by saying something like sprite("Global/Cloud/Local: Image.png")
. That allows us also to create our own data types or create interpreters for other data types.
More media readers
A developer shouldn’t have to leave his/her favorite IDE for the rest of a project just to play a sound file. That’s just not fair. Codea is far more than a prototyping app… It’s actually useful… We can release real apps with it. It’s about time we get to play sound files in our app. I would also love to be able to display SVG files in Codea. Eventually, as people’s interest in 3D inclines, the ability to natively display Blender models would be great.
I usually don’t use snippets for multiple lines of code, that’s what functions are for. Still, sometimes there are lines of code that are pointless putting into a function that I need to repeat. Bonus: Create a place where users can upload snippets to and download them.
I could talk all day on why this is important. First of all, I’ve never had a successful undo in Codea without it completely messing up my code. Never. I’ve had to rewrite complete functions because of that. Not to mention when you make some code in your game, then think you found a better way, then be horrified when you discover it doesn’t work, then you have to revert it back to the original version. Anyways, versioning would be great.
Web views
Let me start of by saying I DO NOT want UI elements. There is almost no point in it. What I’m asking for is the ability to have hybrid apps, in other words apps that have native and web functionalities.
If we had versioning, this wouldn’t be that important, but we don’t so this is really important.
There was a time when Apple was extremely strict about App Store submission rules, but they’ve loosened up on coding app rules. TTL already has the code for sockets, but last time they included it, Codea got rejected. It’s always worth a try to submit it with sockets again.
New libraries
Here are some libraries that could become useful in other types of games and apps:
- LuaFileSystem
- A JSON and XML library
- Gesture/hand writing recognition (MyScript)
Engine only libraries
What if the Codea Runtime had access to features like GameCenter, iAds, IAP, etc., but there were only placeholders for them when you run it in Codea. That would be cool.
Other little things
Different project ordering types
Adding a “0” in from of all my important project to get it listed first in the project list can be annoying. What if we could order the projects by when it was last open, created, or by name? That would be useful.
Reording lines
It’s a hassel to reorder line. If we could just tap and hold on a line then move it, that would be a life saver.
Quick page switching
One thing I love about Chrome is that you can switch tabs just by swiping from the side of the screen. The same would be useful Codea.
Many developers need to know the general area where the user is to do things like find weather, find nearby players, etc.
Disable assistant UI
While it’s really nice to be able to quickly change a number or select an image, sometimes that UI get in my way. It’d be great to be able to disable it.
Things I’ll never get, but would be cool
Forum notifications
I find my self constantly procrastinating by looking at the forums instead of coding. If Codea simply notified me when I got a new notification, then I’d only have to check it when I have to.
The sharing function
It’d be cool to be able to open files in other apps from a script.
Android runtime
If only you had a bigger team.
Codea write your app for you
Now that would be sweet.
OK. Hopefully, this is my last list of suggestions on this forums.
P.S. Once I finish and release this app, I’ll FINALLY start working on the Codea HTML runtime so you can run your app on any platform.