XFC v1.0 : Extensions For Codea [update 1.1][1.2]

Uploaded v1.3beta1 : the user choice for X (hidden or not) is saved.

Uploaded v1.3beta1. Now your choice (for the X) can be saved.

Beta downloading doesn’t seem to be working for me

@JackAttak what version do you have?

@jackattack can you describe what happens?
Ps: you must download the beta version before you can install it. Have you hit the button for that?

I managed to get the beta by finding the link in the code, going to it, and copying and pasting the code. Before I was on v.1.2 and I would hit the download beta button and it said data saved but the install beta said the latest beta version 1.2

@Jackattak this is weird, i’ll check what happens on my side.

That happened to me too but then after restarting the project it showed the new version.

I had a question about the memory meter.
It shows 500kb, 510kb… But after I reach around 1300kb codea crashes, and sometimes it also crashes before that.

It also happened without XFC. My question is how much memory does the iPad have, which codea is allowed to use?
I thought it’s 40mb for iPad 1, and I am on iPad 3,so it should be even more. Or is it that it’s showing something and I am thinking about something else?

Update: good news! Let me know about any malfunction you see, i hate releasing crap…
Memory: yes i see the same thing and i also dont understand. I assume the garbage collector is not correctly counting the memory, maybe it does not count the images generated by codea… Anyway, if you put collectgarbage() after any image you dereference, and try to limit the number of images (pixels actually) stuck in RAM, codea will never crash again. All my programs would crash every 10s if i was not doing this (i have ipad 1). And since i do this, my ipad NEVER crashes any more!

i didn’t manage to copy the installer txt into codea. It seems one has to pay for goodreader! is there a recommended way? Why not upload to CC.

Ok i will put it in CC.

DONE. I have put XFCstarter on CC for those who cant get it from my site.

@plinthesky i did put it on CC. Does it work for you now?

Got it! Works great, It is really useful. Merci beaucoup!