Where do I start?

Hello, I have always been daydreaming about making a game from scratch and this is my first try. Basically I wish to make something along the lines of Hotline Miami although I doubt it will be do-able with my lacking knowledge of programming. Therefore I have 3 questions.

  1. I see there’s some tutorials lying around explaining the basics of Codea, but I haven’t found any tutorials to make a game from scratch. Does a tutorial like that even exist?

  2. Is there any tile map editors that works with Codea? If so, which?

  3. Is there tips and tricks in learning the language that you guys have successfully used?

Thanks in advance for any answears.


I put together a tutorial for a lander game here - about half way down is a link to the 12 step version


@Reefwing has an excellent step by step tutorial for minesweeper on his website:

My tip would be to keep it simple to start with. If you get stuck ask for help on the forum and make sure you posy your attempt at code with the question as this will help others to help you a lot more easily

The most common advice is to start on a simple, well known game, and work up from there. Don’t waste your best ideas while your skills are poor.

There are too many different types of game for there to be step by step tutorials.

@Anthonygul @Slashin8r is working on RPGenerator, which will have a tile based map editing tool on the future. http://www.twolivesleft.com/Codea/Talk/discussion/3058/rpgenerator-v0-7-0#Item_113

Thanks for the answers! I’m currently trying my luck with the lander game, but I’m having some problems.


Not sure what I did wrong.

Thanks for the answers! I’m currently trying my luck with the lander game, but I’m having some problems.


Not sure what I did wrong.

You forgot to close your if statements. You had two if statements in the draw function, but never said “end” on either one to close the if statement. It was expecting an end.

@Anthonygul - you should expect to feel stupid and make mistakes at first. It takes a little practice, that’s all. Keep going, it’s worth it.

So I need 3 “end” 1 for “function” and 2 for the 2 “if” statements?

The manual is quite useful

Wow, you guys just keep on giving, thanks a ton :slight_smile: