WebRepo 2.0 - Easy access to projects from the Codea community (not iCloud compatible)

I did exactly that. even with your link it still thinks there is a new update available and doesn’t download projects correctly.


This is a test to check API capability to provide automated WebRepo event notifications


Speech - 1.0.8 is now available.

Author(s): jfperusse


  • Re-upload of 1.0.0 to test forum notifications.


Speech - 1.0.9 is now available.

Author(s): jfperusse


  • Yet another re-upload of 1.0.0 to test forum notifications. Last one I reckon.

Latest WebRepo project

Would it be possible to have a “report broken project” button? The three.js project, for example, doesn’t run anymore.

@UberGoober That sounds fairly doable to me. I have a few things on the go at the moment though so I’ll put this on my todo list but it’s a good idea.

Your suggestion has given me another idea too. Project specific crash reporting. As in, intercept errors and automatically send them to the codeawebrepo server for viewing, with a better notification system to inform the project devs :smile:

I really should sort out the docker container used by the backend and publish it :sweat_smile:

@John @sim Is there a way I can edit the first post from this thread? There are a few old links that need to be removed really.

Aside: I’d suggest removing the placeholder word “Search” from the search bar once it’s tapped. Otherwise one has to manually erase it before every search attempted.

I’ve updated your permissions, does it work now?

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@sim It did indeed, thank you!

happened to me after i downloaded the new version, replaced my old version, ran, clicked to update

@skar Was that an install from https://codeawebrepo.co.uk/webrepo_latest.zip ?

If not, I’d suggest uninstalling whatever WebRepo project you have already and installing that one. What Codea version are you running too?

For what it’s worth, I’m hoping to entirely remove the manual update system soon in place of something far better :wink:

@steppers - just deleted old version and downloaded new version. Ran it without problem and downloaded the space satellite/astronaut demo - very impressive.

Only comment loading times slow and I thought download had stopped at 98% but completed as mentioned, also scrolling the list seems a little slow - could be an advantage to have an option to show list as small icon and text description. Probably great on the newer machines but mine’s get on a bit now.

@Bri_G Glad it all worked out anyway!

Is that loading time for general project startup? I’ve noticed that on my Air 4 too so I think it could be generally slow.

As for the stopping at 98%, that’s down to the .zip extraction done purely in Lua (including the DEFLATE decompression :smiling_face_with_tear:). That particular project you downloaded is ~50MB so the extraction takes a while and it doesn’t currently track progress either.


seismograph1 - 1.0.0 is now available.

Author(s): dave1707


  • Initial Release

Latest WebRepo project


sierpinski - 1.0.0 is now available.

Sierpinski cube

Author(s): dave1707


  • Initial Release

Latest WebRepo project

@steppers The Sierpinski code that you just put out there isn’t correct. It looks like it has 2 tabs from the WebRepo code. If I delete those 2 tabs and leave Main, it’s correct.

Hey @dave1707 if I remove those additional 2 files the project doesn’t run for me.

Those files are part of the automatic dependency inclusion system of WebRepo. I assume your original project uses the Craft:Cameras & Craft:Touches projects as Codea dependencies?

@Steppers Thats correct. When the program first runs, it will put out an error message saying that Camera needs to be included as a dependency. The user should then open the dependency list and check Camera. After that, everything is fine with just my code.

@dave1707 Oh, just to be clear those changes weren’t something I added manually. This is all automated within WebRepo to do as much as it can to ensure users don’t have to worry about dependencies at all.

When making local changes you only need to delete the _dep file(s) and re-add the dependencies if you wish. The end result should be identical.