WebRepo 2.0 - Easy access to projects from the Codea community (not iCloud compatible)

@Steppers Here’s the result when I selected the first box.

Path: BB8 Platforms - West.codea/Info.plist

supportedOrientations has now been added as a standalone library on WebRepo available to download.

When added as a dependency to any of your projects it should provide an implementation of the old supportedOrientations function and should be a drop in replacement with no other code adjustments necessary.

Bug fixes for WebRepo are next up.

supportedOrientations is great, I’m really impressed that you pulled it off.

It’s a bit of a crash monster for me, though, on my iPhone at least; it crashes when I run a project with it as a dependency and even sometimes when I add it as a dependency.

It’s working for me as a dependency, but when I tried to add a demo tab to the supportedOrientations project, so that you could see it in action when you run it, it doesn’t work, why is that?

Also it isn’t quite working right on Well Racer on my iPhone, see attached screenshot.

The right wall has gone missing in that shot but also sometimes the player character disappears entirely for a while, and other things too.

@UberGoober I had noticed a few crashes and then it just never appeared as an available dependency again for some reason. I just put it down to me confusing Codea somehow and moved on.

As for the example, the supportedOrientations tab needs loading first (on the left). Seems to work after that.

@Steppers you’re right, that fixed it, then it crashed again. I’ve sent at least five crash reports from Codea in the last hour.

@UberGoober Damnit. Ok, could do with some work then but I can’t get it to trigger any crashes now… :confused: Well Racer also seems to be fine on my phone too so not sure what’s going on.

@Steppers - just letting you know downloading your updated version 1.1 of WebRepo from your GitHub account installed and ran fine on my iPad. Thanks.

Edit: Just downloaded the World of Warships using WebRepo and Codea crashed when I tried to run it. Closed Codea and ran it again - this time it was succesful. Reminiscent of the times you upgrade Codea and the first project you run results in a Codea crash - fine after that. It’s almost like there are change in the system that don’t register until you have re-started Codea.

@Bri_G I’m not sure what went wrong there then but glad to hear it’s sorted now.

@UberGoober I’ve added a new version of the supportedOrientations lib above. I’ve just changed the tab name from Main to supportedOrientations and it seemed to fix the issue I was having with using it as a dependency so worth a shot.

@Steppers so far so good, knock wood.

Have attached a version of the project that includes a super-minimal demo in Main and an icon.

Icons are good!

Thanks @UberGoober. Looks good! I’ll replace the WebRepo one with this one with the demo.

I noticed an crash when there’s no touched() function thanks to this. I’ll get it fixed soon.

@UberGoober The version on WebRepo should now include your demo and the fixes.

I’ve opted to remove the automatic supportedOrientations implementations in WebRepo for the time being as well so I can sort something out that plays nicely with projects that also include the standalone lib for it.

supportedOrientations should now be available by default for projects launched from WebRepo and will also play nice with projects that are also using the standalone lib.

@JakAttak ‘Mirror Draw’ has now been added.

I’ve marked it as an iPhone project and locked it to portrait as it didn’t seem to work especially well on my iPad at all, half of the UI was offscreen and things were overlapping :frowning:

On iPhone it works amazingly though! Some fine work. :smiley:

Hi all,

A small QoL improvement to the submissions process that should make it easier for me to track what’s been submitted :smile:

Please submit your project using the Google form here if you do not mind sharing the name associated with your Google account with me (Only me, and only the name so nothing to worry about). Projects uploaded using this form should be < 100MB currently but if there is ever demand I can increase that to 1GB.

If this is a problem please use the alternative form and provide a link I can download the project from (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)


@Steppers the latest update doesn’t allow me to download and run any new projects

@West In the WebRepo tab at line 76 remove or current_metadata.sha ~= v.sha and it should trigger a refresh of the metadata.

I think I’ve made some changes recently to some metadata so it probably needs refreshing. I’ll add a button in future to force a refresh but that should sort it for now.

@Steppers Perfect - that did the trick. Great work with this

@West Great. I’ve just added a small change that should trigger a refresh automatically following an update so we shouldn’t have problems like this again.

@Steppers - the issue is back - I see the new projects but can’t load them. The webrepo code seems to still have the change I made above - e.g. the commenting out part - does this break the auto refresh?

@West possibly… You shouldn’t need the change anyway now. So you can see them but not download or launch them?