c) It should be and is something on the long ToDo list for 3.0. The main task there is having Lua communicate the status of installed projects etc. to the JS side.
Codea+ and its auto-doc project both crash for me.
The error from console on Codea+:
objc.cls.ClassName is deprecated. Use objc.ClassName instead.
Documents/Codea+/DocViewer.lua:67: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘integer index’)
stack traceback:
Documents/Codea+/DocViewer.lua:67: in field ‘integer index’
Documents/Codea+/Thread.lua:80: in upvalue ‘callback’
Documents/Codea+/Tween.lua:630: in field ‘callback’
Documents/Codea+/Tween.lua:164: in upvalue ‘finishTween’
Documents/Codea+/Tween.lua:604: in function <Documents/Codea+/Tween.lua:592>
model editing capabilities (which is the core functionality of the original project),
a user interface (UI) that conveniently adjusts sizes to fit different screens,
the ability to save and load models, You can select the model to be loaded through the thumbnails in the model list panel.
the option to freely name models,
the capability to slice the model along the XYZ axes at any scale to facilitate the editing of the model’s interior space, such as a castle model,
the ability to shrink the model by half and enlarge it by double the scale,
to cycle the model along the XYZ axes,
You have the option to choose solid color blocks or blocks with textured material assets.
the option to choose different block materials (which can be achieved by incorporating dependencies from different material projects, as long as the block names in each material library are ensured not to be repeated).
There are two color panels (I originally planned to only keep one set), and I have not yet determined which colors to provide.
You can even import terrain blocks generated by voxel terrain to perform internal editing. If you wish to manually edit an adventurer’s cave, this is a great option. It is important to note that the terrain blocks should not be too large, as this may cause the program to crash.
@binaryblues Amazing work! Just so you’re aware in future, WebRepo should bundle any dependencies with your project automatically when you upload it, so you shouldn’t have to worry about them in your description
model editing capabilities (which is the core functionality of the original project),
a user interface (UI) that conveniently adjusts sizes to fit different screens,
the ability to save and load models, You can select the model to be loaded through the thumbnails in the model list panel.
the option to freely name models,
the capability to slice the model along the XYZ axes at any scale to facilitate the editing of the model’s interior space, such as a castle model,
the ability to shrink the model by half and enlarge it by double the scale,
to cycle the model along the XYZ axes,
You have the option to choose solid color blocks or blocks with textured material assets.
the option to choose different block materials (which can be achieved by incorporating dependencies from different material projects, as long as the block names in each material library are ensured not to be repeated).
There are two color panels (I originally planned to only keep one set), and I have not yet determined which colors to provide.
You can even import terrain blocks generated by voxel terrain to perform internal editing. If you wish to manually edit an adventurer’s cave, this is a great option. It is important to note that the terrain blocks should not be too large, as this may cause the program to crash.
Block Library
require Codea version <= 4.9.8(443)
modify the default model save/load path to asset.models in itemPanel.lua
@Steppers That’s great, WebRepo can automatically package dependencies. I discovered this feature after submitting, and it’s a very practical function! Thank your for the good job!
@UberGoober I believe the project install crash you were seeing should now be resolved It should be picked up automatically next time you launch WebRepo.
Here is a currently up to date backup of the entire WebRepo setup. Docker files and server too. (I’ve removed any credentials from the docker-compose.yml file).
I have no intention of abandoning this so don’t worry about that. I’d just been intending to release the server side code since I pretty much started working on WebRepo and have only now gotten around to it.
The zip file should hopefully contain everything one could need to host WebRepo elsewhere.
@sim On an unrelated note, how would you feel about adding a DNS subdomain to point to the current WebRepo server? I think webrepo.codea.io has a nice ring to it
Installing Codea+ still crashes. Red screen of death. Console error:
Exception invoking setValue:forKeyPath:, verify the arguments: [<UITextView 0x16b9bd400> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key isEditable.