Video Game Controllers

I use original version

Not sure, I think it’s Nats, though I believe I might have a copy of yours too. Does yours allow for resetting touched back to global?

You have to call the control class like that, with a boolean ‘controlsEnabled’

function touched(touch)
    If controlsEnabled then controls:touched(touch) end

If I was to make a split-control set (for single-player), would it be wiser to use Nat’s Split screen class, minter class, or Jmv38’s modified controls? The thing is, Jmv38, you haven’t made (or shared) your modified class for the other control types such as tap action. I don’t want to criticize or bother you into making them, just that I’m trying to utilize these controls in my app. It also happens that I don’t know how to utilize the minter class either.