Using Game Center Add-on makes physics fail?

So my code works fine, and at one part I use the function collide(contact). But when I uncomment this line to make Game Center work

//Uncomment the following line if you’d like to use the basic GameCenter addon:

//[self.viewController registerAddon:[GameCenterAddon sharedInstance]];

whenever a collision happens I get the error attempt to index local ‘contact’ ( a nil value ).
I have tested it multiple times. If I go back and comment the line out, the code works fine. Can anyone confirm this, or knows how to fix it?
edit: seems now like a lot of the more expensive parts of my program make it crash when using the Haddon.

Could you please ensure you are using the latest Codea Addons from

(These will be included in the next update to Codea)

@Simeon those are the ones I am using. By ‘included’ do you mean included at export?

@Simeon I think I might be misusing. Is there a walkthrough for the game center addon I can use?

Oh sorry @jrohanian, this actually could be due to the incorrect header file included with exported projects.

Please replace your luaconf.h file with the one located here:

@Simeon no, still doesn’t work. Do I need to make any changes to the CodeaAddon.h/.m files, or changes to the appDelegate.h/.mm files before using game center (besides uncommenting the line in ?

@jrohanian odd, I recall debugging this same issue with another user. Do both 32 and 64 bit builds fail?

@Simeon, yes, 32 and 64 bit have identical errors.

Hi, the problem is with the function luaL_openlib.

Here are my files:


//  GameCenterAddon.h
//  Basic GameCenter integration Codea Addon
//   supports leaderboards, achievements
//  Created by Simeon on 12/10/2014.
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Two Lives Left. All rights reserved.

 This addon implements the following Lua API:
 -- Check if GameCenter is enabled
 if gamecenter_enabled() then
 -- Submit to default leaderboard
 gamecenter_submitScore( 1234 )
 -- Submit to specific leaderboard
 gamecenter_submitScore( 1234, “LeaderboardID” )
 -- Show default GameCenter leaderboard (pauses Codea)
 -- Show specific GameCenter leaderboard (pauses Codea)
 -- Show achievements (pauses Codea)
 -- Submit an achievement with a percent complete amount (0.0 - 100.0)
 gamecenter_submitAchievement( “AchievementID”, percent )
 -- Submit a score for a specific leaderboard
 gamecenter_submitScore( 1234, “LeaderboardID” )

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import "CodeaAddon.h"

@interface GameCenterAddon : CodeaAddon

+ (instancetype) sharedInstance;

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL gameCenterEnabled;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *defaultLeaderboard;


and .m

//  GameCenterAddon.m
//  Basic GameCenter integration Codea Addon
//   supports leaderboards, achievements
//  Created by Simeon on 12/10/2014.
//  Copyright (c) 2014 Two Lives Left. All rights reserved.

#import "GameCenterAddon.h"

#import <GameKit/GameKit.h>

#import "StandaloneCodeaViewController.h"

#import "lua.h"
#import "lauxlib.h"

#define GAMECENTER_LIB_NAME "gamecenter"

#pragma mark - Lua Functions

static int gamecenter_enabled(struct lua_State* L);

static int gamecenter_showLeaderboards(struct lua_State* L);
static int gamecenter_showAchievements(struct lua_State* L);

static int gamecenter_submitScore(struct lua_State* L);
static int gamecenter_submitAchievement(struct lua_State* L);

#pragma mark - Lua Function Mappings

/*[[static const luaL_Reg gamecenterLibs[] =
    {"enabled", gamecenter_enabled},
    {"showLeaderboards", gamecenter_showLeaderboards},
    {"showAchievements", gamecenter_showAchievements},
    {"submitScore",      gamecenter_submitScore},
    {NULL, NULL}

#pragma mark - Game Center Addon

@interface GameCenterAddon ()<GKGameCenterControllerDelegate>


@implementation GameCenterAddon

#pragma mark - Singleton

+ (instancetype) sharedInstance
    static id _sharedObject = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        _sharedObject = [[self alloc] init];
    return _sharedObject;

#pragma mark - Game Center Helper Methods

- (void) authenticateLocalPlayerWithCodeaController:(StandaloneCodeaViewController *)codeaController
    __weak __typeof(&*self)weakSelf = self;
    //Create the authentication handler which captures the Codea View Controller
    GKLocalPlayer *player = [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer];
    player.authenticateHandler = ^(UIViewController *viewController, NSError *error) {
        if( viewController != nil )
            //Game Center wants us to present something
            //Pause the Codea game
            codeaController.paused = YES;
            //Present the controller
            [codeaController presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:nil];
            //The player signed in, or game center was disabled
            //Resume Codea game
            codeaController.paused = NO;
            //Game center is enabled if the player authenticated
            weakSelf.gameCenterEnabled = [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].authenticated;
            if( weakSelf.gameCenterEnabled )
                //Get the default leaderboard
                [[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] loadDefaultLeaderboardIdentifierWithCompletionHandler:^(NSString *leaderboardIdentifier, NSError *error) {
                    weakSelf.defaultLeaderboard = leaderboardIdentifier;

- (void) showGameCenterWithConfigurationBlock:(void(^)(GKGameCenterViewController *gvc))config
    GKGameCenterViewController *gcController = [[GKGameCenterViewController alloc] init];
    //Pause Codea Runtime
    StandaloneCodeaViewController *currentCodea = self.codeaController;
    currentCodea.paused = YES;
    if( config )
    //Present game center leaderboards
    gcController.gameCenterDelegate = self;
    [currentCodea presentViewController:gcController animated:YES completion:nil];

- (void) submitScore:(NSInteger)score leaderboard:(NSString *)leaderboard
    GKScore *localScore = [[GKScore alloc] initWithLeaderboardIdentifier:leaderboard];
    localScore.value = score;
    localScore.leaderboardIdentifier = leaderboard ?: self.defaultLeaderboard;
    [GKScore reportScores:@[localScore] withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
        //Do nothing yet

- (void) submitAchievement:(NSString *)achievement percent:(double)percent
    GKAchievement *localAchievement = [[GKAchievement alloc] initWithIdentifier:achievement];
    localAchievement.showsCompletionBanner = YES;
    localAchievement.percentComplete = percent;
    [GKAchievement reportAchievements:@[localAchievement] withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
        //Do nothing yet

- (void) showLeaderboardWithID:(NSString *)leaderboardID
    __weak __typeof(&*self)weakSelf = self;
    leaderboardID = leaderboardID ?: self.defaultLeaderboard;
    [self showGameCenterWithConfigurationBlock:^(GKGameCenterViewController *gvc) {
        gvc.viewState = GKGameCenterViewControllerStateLeaderboards;
        gvc.leaderboardIdentifier = weakSelf.defaultLeaderboard;

- (void) showAchievements
    [self showGameCenterWithConfigurationBlock:^(GKGameCenterViewController *gvc) {
        gvc.viewState = GKGameCenterViewControllerStateAchievements;

#pragma mark - Codea Addon Protocol Implementation

- (void) codea:(StandaloneCodeaViewController*)codeaController didCreateLuaState:(struct lua_State*)L
    //Authenticate the local player, pausing the runtime if necessary
    [self authenticateLocalPlayerWithCodeaController:codeaController];
    //Register Game Center functions with Lua
    lua_register(L, "gamecenter_enabled", gamecenter_enabled);
    lua_register(L, "gamecenter_showLeaderboards", gamecenter_showLeaderboards);
    lua_register(L, "gamecenter_showAchievements", gamecenter_showAchievements);
    lua_register(L, "gamecenter_submitScore", gamecenter_submitScore);
    lua_register(L, "gamecenter_submitAchievement", gamecenter_submitAchievement);
    //luaL_openlib(L, GAMECENTER_LIB_NAME, gamecenterLibs, 0);

#pragma mark - Game Center View Controller Delegate

- (void) gameCenterViewControllerDidFinish:(GKGameCenterViewController *)gameCenterViewController
    [gameCenterViewController.presentingViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
        //Unpause Codea Runtime
        self.codeaController.paused = NO;

#pragma mark - Lua Function Implementations

static int gamecenter_enabled(struct lua_State* L)
    lua_pushboolean(L, [GameCenterAddon sharedInstance].gameCenterEnabled);
    return 0;

static int gamecenter_showLeaderboards(struct lua_State* L)
    NSString *leaderboardID = nil;
    int n = lua_gettop(L);
    //Get the leaderboard ID
    if( n > 0 )
        leaderboardID = @(luaL_checkstring(L, 1));
    //All Lua functions call outside of main thread
    // we need to handle any UI on main thread
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        //If leaderboard is nil, default leaderboard will be used
        [[GameCenterAddon sharedInstance] showLeaderboardWithID:leaderboardID];
    return 0;

static int gamecenter_showAchievements(struct lua_State* L)
    //All Lua functions call outside of main thread
    // we need to handle any UI on main thread
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        //If leaderboard is nil, default leaderboard will be used
        [[GameCenterAddon sharedInstance] showAchievements];
    return 0;

static int gamecenter_submitScore(struct lua_State* L)
    int n = lua_gettop(L);
    double score = 0;
    NSString *leaderboardID = nil;
    if( n > 0 )
        score = atof(lua_tostring(L, 1));
    if( n > 1 )
        //Custom leaderboard specified
        leaderboardID = @(luaL_checkstring(L, 2));
    [[GameCenterAddon sharedInstance] submitScore:score leaderboard:leaderboardID];
    return 0;

static int gamecenter_submitAchievement(struct lua_State* L)
    int n = lua_gettop(L);
    if( n >= 2 )
        NSString *achievementID = @(luaL_checkstring(L, 1));
        double percent = atof(lua_tostring(L, 2));
        //lua_Number percent = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
        [[GameCenterAddon sharedInstance] submitAchievement:achievementID percent:percent];
    return 0;


It changes the implementation by registering each function individually and not part of a gamecenter table, so gamecenter.submitScore becomes gamecenter_submitScore and so on.

:slight_smile: working. thank you @JakAttak @Simeon

@JakAttak the bug has now been fixed in the Codea Addon repo ( I was registering the gamecenter table incorrectly, the update still registers the same API (i.e., within a table called gamecenter)

@Simeon, @JakAttak, I’m using Xcode 7.1 beta and iOS 9.1 and I’m having a error Expected identifier or '('. How can be this fixed?