Use camera

Can use camera in codea? If yes, wath function have for it, or give me, please, link on documentation?

At the moment, there is no support for the camera in codea.

:frowning: this will be implemented in future versions?

It’s certainly been requested many times but I can’t find an issue for it on the issue tracker.

I think the request predates the tracker.

Naturally, I can’t pass up this opportunity to get another dig in for what I really want: access to the photo library. Keep the camera, let us allow users to read / write to the library. It would allow any number of photo edit apps, and provide a route for saving data via images.

@Mark I liked your suggestion of piggybacking the functionality on readImage / saveImage. The one issue is that it would be a blocking UI call, which is extremely tricky to do without ripping out the rendering system to run in a separate thread.

It’s something I’ll keep revisiting and try to implement.