Tutorials for Kids

That’s good, at least his first impressions of programming are positive!

Both of my kids are motivated. They’re happy just getting text on the screen and making it move for now. I think some kids get frustrated because they want to jump in and make a game, but my boys realize that this is just the beginning and we have to learn the basics. I’m quite impressed with their drive and their patience! This would not have worked a year ago, that’s for sure!

@interactivenyc have updated the asteroids tutorial to fix the bug - it was as @Ignatz said setfenv was deprecated

Awesome, thanks!

When I started actually trying to code, I was at least four. (Not that I was too good at it), but it’s coming easier now. I think with enough practice, you would get pretty good at it. :slight_smile:

Hi, im just about to release a tutorial for Kids (or anyone with no programming experience) to build PacMan on Codea. Im using the most simple functions/Instructions/Statements from LUA so on my opinion is very clear and easy to follow. Im including some PowerPoint slides that explain in detail the game design and how to translate that into code. Should be posting the link to the YouTube video in a week or so. Hope it helps. In the mean time you can write me at b23vnodev@gmail.com if need any help. Best regards!

PS im also working on Digger, QBert, Amidar and Tetris versions built entirely in Codea.

@b23vno - that’s great! I’ll certainly check it out when you put it up. Please leave a comment in this thread so that I’ll see it when it’s ready. Thanks!