starter game

Some of the new coders want to write games, but they don’t know where to start. Here is some code the anyone can take and make into something more interesting. It’s kind of barebones, but it’s a start for someone willing to improve on it. The object is to tilt the ipad and move the blue circle around the screen hitting the numbered white circles. If you hit the circles in the correct order they will turn red. If you complete the order, the next round will have 3 more circles to hit. If you hit a circle out of order, they all turn white and you start that round again. As I said, this is a starter, so what else you want to add to make it more interesting is up to you. Start the game with the ipad laying flat.


function setup()
    count=5 -- number of circles to start with
    nbr=1 -- circle number to start with
    createTarget()  -- create circles to hit

function createTarget()
    target={}   -- create table for targets
    for z=1,count do    -- create number of count circles
        -- x,y,number,0=not hit 1=hit
    nbr=1   -- starting circle number
    match=0 -- number of circle being hit

function draw()
    background(40,40,50)    -- background color
    fill(0, 52, 255, 255)   -- ball color
    ellipse(ball.x,ball.y,50)   -- draw blue ball
    ball.x = ball.x + Gravity.x*40  -- move in x direction
    ball.y = ball.y + Gravity.y*40  -- move in y direction
    for a,b in pairs(target) do -- draw circles
        fill(255)   -- start with white color
        if b.w==1 then  -- should it be red
            fill(255,0,0)   -- set red color
        ellipse(b.x,b.y,50) -- draw circle
        fill(0, 115, 255, 255)  -- color for numbers on circles
        text(a,b.x,b.y) -- draw numbers on circles
    hit()   -- check which circle is hit

function hit()
    v1=ball -- vector info for distance calculation
    overlap=false   -- no circle is being hit
    for a,b in pairs(target) do -- loop thru target table
        d=v1:dist(vec2(b.x,b.y))-- distance between blue ball and circles
        if d<50 then    -- less than 50
            overlap=true    -- ball and circle are touching
            match=b.z   -- number of circle being touched
    if not overlap then -- no overlap happening
        if match>0 then  -- was a circle being overlapped
            nbr=nbr+1   -- add 1 for next circle
            match=0 -- clear variable
    if match>0 then -- circle being overlapped
        if match==nbr then  -- correct circle
            target[match].w=1   -- set flag for red color
            if match==#target then  -- last circle being touched
                count = count + 3   -- add 3 to circle count
                createTarget()  -- create new circles
            createTarget()  -- wrong circle touched, redraw circles

Nice and holy cow thats compact.

@Goatboy76 Thanks. I was working on something else and this came to mind. Since I don’t play games, I thought I would get it started for someone else to improve on if they want.

Has anyone done a game for children? When I was first learning C I made a simple maze puzzle for my kids and they loved it. It was randomly generated, and they used the arrow keys to navigate from start to finish. I think something like this (with a more modern interface - touching the screen) might be fun. It was fun to for me, anyway…

I’ve done a simple jigsaw game for my 2 year old - dragging cut out shapes into predefined locations. I personalised it by making the images her and her friends and have used some of the sounds which shipped with codea 2 which she loves!

Tanks, this code is usefull, You´re really a good mentor for beginners in Codea like me :stuck_out_tongue:

@richardmike4 Thanks for the comment, but this forum is loaded with great examples from a lot of people. There are several years worth of code here just waiting for anyone to use it.

Just wanted to let you know that when I started with Codea, I played around with this source. I made the balls move at slightly different speeds, using their numbers. Then I encountered an issue of them all moving together making the slower ones impossible to reach. So I added a little bit of randomization and ended up with a more difficult version of your game. :slight_smile:

It wasn’t much but I enjoyed learning from and working with your source. Thanks for sharing!

@RiverForge Thanks for the comment.