Saving Images to Project

It seems to work fine for me

Wrt timing, you are probably best to use the built in clock.

So I would do it something like this

--in setup
stepTime=1/10 --change steps every 1/10 sec, say
nextStep=stepTime --time of next step

--in draw
if ElapsedTime>nextStep then
    --change step

Or like this, using deltaTime

--in setup
stepTime=1/10 --change steps every 1/10 sec, say
timer=0 --time of last step

--in draw
if timer>stepTime then
    --change step

Note that in both cases, the timer is not reset completely when a step occurs. This is so that if the program is running slowly, the steps will still occur at normal speed. If instead you reset timer to nil in the second example above, steps will occur more slowly if the program runs slower. Additionally, if your step time is not an integer multiple of 1/60 of a second, resetting the clock discards the fractions and slightly distorts the movement. It may not matter here, but sometimes it will.

Hm… I wonder what the problem is for me then. Thanks for testing Ignatz!

Funny - I rearranged the order of my tabs, as a person is suggesting in another thread might have an impact on the code - and it works fine for me too! Interesting.

This project should be ready to run now, downloading all images when you uncomment the indicated line in setup()