Problems when exported to Xcode

I just finished a project on Codea, after, I exported to Xcode.

When I open on Xcode, appears this message “PatrulheiroDasGalaxias.xcodeproj cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed”

What is happening?

@erickyamato odd! What version of Xcode do you have?

@Simeon, I’m using the last one, 2.1.1

@erickyamato that’s Codea, I mean, which version of Xcode are you using on your Mac?

Edit: Also, did you use any special characters when setting up your project for export?

@Simeon, I’m using Xcode 6.1.

And yes, I used a special character.

@erickyamato could you tell me where you used it? And perhaps try another export without using any special characters.

@Simeon My game is called “Patrulheiro das Galáxias”

@erickyamato thanks, will try that out

@Simeon I’ll try export without special character

@Simeon, the problem was the special character!