Please Help --- Codea Crashes Every Time I Try to Run This

-- Boltz

-- Use this function to perform your initial setup
function setup()
    touches = {}
    lives = 3
    counter = 0
    createballs = false
    debugDraw = PhysicsDebugDraw()
    local sensor = physics.body(EDGE,vec2(-20,0),vec2(WIDTH+20,0))
    sensor.sleepingAllowed = false
    sensor.sensor = true
    sensor.type = STATIC
    balls = {}
    difficulty = 3
    positioncheckx = false
    -- positionchecky = false

-- This function gets called once every frame
function draw()
    -- This sets a dark background color
    background(154, 154, 163, 255)
    if createballs ==  true then
        for k,touch in pairs(touches) do
            for h,circle in ipairs(balls) do
                if touch.x <= circle.x+50 or touch.x >= circle.x - 50 then
                    if touch.y <= circle.y+50 or touch.y >= circle.y - 50 then
                        circle.x = touch.x
                        circle.y = touch.y
        while counter < difficulty do
            if counter == 0 then
                counter = counter + 1
                elseif counter < difficulty-1 then
                positionx = math.random(100,WIDTH-100)
                for h,circle in ipairs(balls) do
                    if positionx >= circle.x-200 or positionx <= circle.x+200 then
                        positioncheckx = true
                if positioncheckx == false then
                    counter = counter + 1
                positioncheckx = false
                elseif counter == difficulty-1 then
                positionx = math.random(100,WIDTH-100)
                for h,circle in ipairs(balls) do
                    if positionx >= circle.x-200 or positionx <= circle.x+200 then
                        positioncheckx = true
                if positioncheckx == false then
                    counter = counter + 1
                positioncheckx = false
        createballs = true
function createCircle(x,y,r,decider)
    local circle = physics.body(CIRCLE, r)
    -- enable smooth motion
    if decider == true then
        circle.categories = {1}
        --circle.mask = {1}
        circle.categories = {2}
    circle.interpolate = true
    circle.x = x
    circle.y = y
    circle.restitution = 0.25
    circle.sleepingAllowed = false
    return circle

function touched(touch)
    if CurrentTouch.state == ENDED then
        touches[] = nil
        touches[] = touch

function collide(contact)
    if debugDraw then

@bocaaust , please, use the pattern

@bocaaust You are getting stuck in the “while” loop. The variable “counter” is getting added to 1 time, therefore it’s always less than “difficulty”. You add 1 to “counter” if it’s 0, then you don’t try to add 1 to it until “counter==difficulty-1” which it will never be. I also added three ~ before and after your code to format it correctly.

Sorry about not formatting the post properly — I know to use the three ~ for the future. The way I intended for the code to work, the counter would only increase if the math.random statement generated a x-position for a new circle body that would not initially overlap with previously generated circle bodies. It seems like the counter is never increasing for a second time because it doesn’t generate a random number that satisfies the if statement in time for whatever tolerance codea may have.

I got it working — no longer need help

@bocaaust you know, it wouldnt harm anyone just to write a little ‘thank you Dave1707 for taking the time to read my code, understand it, and trying to help me’, would it?

@Jmv38 I stopped expecting any type of “thank you” a long time ago.

@bocaaust You’re welcome. Codea isn’t the problem with your random numbers. math.random() does exactly what it’s supposed to do. It’s up to you to understand what it does and write your code accordingly. From what you said above, it’s sounds like you did just that to get your code working. There are very few problems with Codea, and when they’re found, they’re corrected as soon as possible.

I’m sorry but I am brand new to this forum and I didn’t realize there was a proper etiquette. Thank you so much @dave1707 for trying to help me with the problem. P.S. just in case your curious, the problem is with codea not the while loop because it continuously generates random numbers that are very similar. I solved the problem by putting a variable in called randomcheck which only let Codea generate 1200 numbers that did not satisfy the if statement before it defaulted to numbers that relatively do not and will not overlap based off of a constant multiplied by table.maxn(balls).

@dave1707, “I stopped expecting any type of “thank you” a long time ago.” That’s a shame, you always help out, you deserve some more recognition

@JakAttak I don’t expect to be thanked, but I’m sure everyone who responds to a question likes to know if what they posted actually helped or not.

@dave1707 it’s all helpful when it comes down to it.