Plasma generator + some effects

-- Generates a plasma image --------
-- and apply some filters ----------
function setup()
    iparameter("resolution", 1, 2, 1)
    parameter("brightness", -255, 255, 0)
    parameter("contrast", -100, 100, 0)
    iparameter("effect", 0, 5, 0)
    print("Touch the screen to generate a new image")
    rnd = math.random    --I like short names ;-)
    contrastLookUpTable = {}    --Well, sometimes :-(
    palette = {}

function draw()
        background(0, 0, 0, 255)
        if(oldRes ~= resolution) then
            oldRes = resolution
        filterImage(buffer, filterBuffer, brightness, contrast, bw)    --Apply filters
        sprite(filterBuffer, WIDTH * 0.5,HEIGHT * 0.5, WIDTH, HEIGHT)    --Show result
        sprite(buffer, 100, 100, 200, 200)    --Show thumbnail with non filtered image

function touched(touch)
    if (CurrentTouch.state == BEGAN) then generatePlasma() end
-- Filters Code --------------------
function makeContrastLookUpTable(contrast)
    contrast = ((100 + contrast) / 100) ^ 2
    for n = 0, 255 do
        local v = n / 255
        v = v - .5
        v = v * contrast
        v = v + .5
        v = v * 255
        contrastLookUpTable[n] = v

function filterImage(orig, dest, brightness, contrast, bw)
    local newColor

    for x = 1, orig.width do
        for y = 1, orig.height do
            local r, g, b = orig:get(x, y)
        --For each color component apply contrast and brightness, then clamp(0, 255)
            r = contrastLookUpTable[r] + brightness
            if(r < 0) then r = 0 end
            if(r > 255) then r = 255 end            
            g = contrastLookUpTable[g] + brightness
            if(g < 0) then g = 0 end
            if(g > 255) then g = 255 end
            b = contrastLookUpTable[b] + brightness
            if(b < 0) then b = 0 end
            if(b > 255) then b = 255 end
            if (effect == 0) then
                newColor = color(r, g, b)
            elseif (effect == 1) then    --Gray scale
                local c = r * .299 + g * .587 + b * .114
                newColor = color(c, c, c)
            elseif (effect == 2) then    --Negative
                newColor = color(255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b)
            elseif (effect == 3) then    --Components shift 1
                newColor = color(b, r, g)
            elseif (effect == 4) then    --Components shift 2
                newColor = color(g, b, r)
            elseif (effect == 5) then    --Components shift 3
                newColor = color(g, r, b)
            dest:set(x, y, newColor)    --Plot the result

-- Plasma Generator Code -----------
function generatePalette()
    local r, g, b
    local c = 0
    local inc = 1 / 400
    for e = 0, 400 do
        if (c < 0.5) then r = c * 2
        else r = (1 - c) * 2 end
        if (c >= 0.3 and c < 0.8) then g = (c - 0.3) * 2
        elseif (c < 0.3) then g = (0.3 - c) * 2
        else g = (1.3 - c) * 2 end
        if (c >= 0.5) then b = (c - 0.5) * 2
        else b = (0.5 - c) * 2 end
        palette[e] = color(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)
        c = c + inc
function generatePlasma()
    size = 64 * resolution  --Only powers of 2, otherwise we get gaps
    buffer = image(size, size)
    filterBuffer = image(size, size)
    --Start calculating with 4 random corners
    divideGrid (dest, 0, 0, size, rnd(), rnd(), rnd(), rnd())

function divideGrid(dest, x, y, lenght, c1, c2, c3, c4)
    local newLenght = lenght / 2
    if (lenght < 2) then --Keep calculating until size is less than 2
        buffer:set(x + 1, y + 1, palette[math.floor((c1 + c2 + c3 + c4) * 100)]) --Plot the point
    return end
    --Calculate the average of the 4 corners and add a random displacement 
    local middle = (c1 + c2 + c3 + c4) / 4 + (rnd() - 0.5) * newLenght * 3 / size

    --Calculate new edges
    local edge1 = (c1 + c2) / 2
    local edge2 = (c2 + c3) / 2
    local edge3 = (c3 + c4) / 2
    local edge4 = (c4 + c1) / 2
    --Clamp middle between 0 and 1
    if (middle < 0) then middle = 0
    elseif (middle > 1) then middle = 1 end
    --Recursevely call this function for each one of the 4 new rectangles
    divideGrid(dest, x, y, newLenght, c1, edge1, middle, edge4)
    divideGrid(dest, x + newLenght, y, newLenght, edge1, c2, edge2, middle)
    divideGrid(dest, x + newLenght, y + newLenght, newLenght, middle, edge2, c3, edge3)
    divideGrid(dest, x, y + newLenght, newLenght, edge4, middle, edge3, c4)

That looks great @pepinganos! Thank you for sharing.

nice :smiley: