Planet simulation (video teaser: height and shadows)

I hadn’t looked in on this topic since the early days. Amazing progress, @jmv38! Looking forward to seeing the game that gets wrapped around this.

Hey, @Bortels, are you still planning your space spectacular? This looks like it would fit wonderfully.

Nice :slight_smile:

I still plan my space spectacular.

Having said that, do keep in mind - I’ve been planning it for a decade now. I’ve actually started (and abandoned) it at least 5 different times. It is my key example of the maxim “if you want to succeed - set small, obtainable goals.” - in that my vision vastly outpaces my actual ability to produce the game while keeping food on the table for the family. :slight_smile:

Some news: I recently discovered mesh.vertex(i) (… shame on me that i didnt’t notice it before :"> ), and so that i could update the mesh vertex one by one without major time loss. So i decided to recode everything using these functions. It turned out there were a lot of things to correct in my code to make it clean, and i am still in this process of recoding the existing functionnalities. Here is a video of how it looks now.
Seeing the live updating process is nice because 1/ waiting for the update to complete is less boring 2/ it hepls to find bugs. When i’ll be done in recoding, i’ll add some save/load 3d objects functionnalites, and some functionnality to assemble several simple objects in complex objects, and save/load them, and then i’ll try to make some simple user interface that you can include in your projects to load and use the objects you create with this workbench. Can anyone give me some advice on how to save the 3d objects? I plan to convert everything in a single image so it is easier to manipulate.

Hi @ubergober thanks for your message. I have solved the feedback problem: now i put all my code there: . There is a counter that shows the number of downloads for each file, so i know how many people are interested.

. @Jmv38 oh this is very nice, can’t believe I only see this now… it seems I missed a lot of cool Codea projects in the few months I left ^^

Hi @ Jmv38,

Being a LOTR fan and also a 3D World fan I was very interested in this.

Have you seen it. I am using your 3D models to set up new fantasy planets and stumbled on the MEDEM package - is this the future for adventure modelling?




@Bri_G very interesting link. I wish i could run it on the ipad. Do really manage to do sthg with my messy 3d code? That would be great!

Hi @CodeaNoob,

Just seen your reply, checked the link so I know the site is up. Have the editors deleted your comment or has it been moved into another thread?



Hi @Jmv38,

The video looks awesome, I’ll keep playing with your code - built a few new textures but they are a little crude. Could really do with a fractal planet scape mapper, bump mapper and some way of eroding/ageing the initial planet textures.

The other thing I’m looking into is forming a 2D atlas style map from the texture. Whole idea to build up scenario us for use in games etc.

Don’t hold your breath, this will take me ages. Thanks for your code.

P.s. also just discovered UDK engine, I seem to have totally lost track of the way things have moved on!!!




No, i just edited it bc i found the link