Need help with tables

The nice part is here: end end end end end end

Maybe something like

@mentioned {Will mention everyone}

How to create objects? I already have the class and all the data, but how to create new objects?

@TokOut I’m starting to wonder if you even read the ebooks everyone constantly links you to. They’re very clear, and answer a lot of the simple questions you keep posting here.

Once more: the ebook ‘Lua for beginners’ by Ignatz, chapter 11, tells you all the basic stuff about classes you need to know. It can be found in the wiki or here:

I haven’t dropbox

you don’t need dropbox.

you can ignore the login message

Though Dropbox is by far the easiest way of managing your Codea assets IMO, so should be something every Codea user has.

@yojimbo2000, @Ignatz, markdown and GitHub - better then drop

@TokOut - of course, you would know, being such a Codea expert

Keyboard class: < Codea Ralk is better! >

KeyBoard = class()

function KeyBoard:init()
    -- You can accept and set parameyers here
    -- To make the key visible if you have in setup "k = KeyBoard()" then use "k.visible = true"
    self.visible = false
    self.textSize = 25
    self.xy = 68
    self.letters = {"1","z","a","q","2","x","s","w","3","c","d","e","4","v","f","r","5","b","g","t","6","n","h","y","7","m","j","u","8", ",","k","i","9",".","l", "o", "0", "!","?","p","_",'"',"(","BCK",";","/",")","RET"}
    self.positions = {}

function KeyBoard:draw()
    local n = 0
    if self.visible then
        for x = 1, 12 do
            self.positions[x] = {}
            for y = 1, 4 do
                n = n + 1
                fill(255, 255, 255, 255)
                rect(x * self.xy + self.xy/2, y * self.xy + self.xy/2, self.xy, self.xy)
                fill(0, 0, 0, 255)
                if self.bolden then font("Arial-BoldMT") else font("ArialMT") end
                text(self.letters[n], x * self.xy + self.xy, y * self.xy + self.xy)

function KeyBoard:touched(t)
    if self.visible then
        local n = 0
        for x = 1, 12 do
            self.positions[x] = {}
            for y = 1, 4 do
                n = n + 1
                local y = y
                if t.x>self.xy*x+self.xy/2 and t.x<self.xy*x+self.xy*1.5 and t.y>self.xy*y+self.xy/2 and t.y<self.xy*y+self.xy*1.5 and t.state == BEGAN then

Shouldn’t the BCK key delete the previous letter?

And shouldn’t the class return the whole string?

That’s just an example! How to use it will be from you. This could be also used as calculator buttons. But that’s just an example, which means only the start code