Need help : fmod

So I’m making an app in my class using Codea. My teacher has explained to me that I need to use the fmod function to do something. SO, what the program does is it randomly generates a number ( 299 is the max number), and then I’m supposed to divide the number into tens hundreds and ones. Say the number is 177: I will save it as a variable, divide it by 100, and save the answer. Somehow using the fmod function, I’ll just chuck the remainder / decimal point so I know it’s a whole number: there is 1 hundred in 177. I need to somehow save that as a variable. Next, I would do the original answer (177) - (100*1) (1 comes from the number of hundreds there are which we got from the fmod function so I guess that would mean we’d need to get a variable for that too.) which is 17. Then to find the tens, I would divide 77 by 10, and go all fmod and chuck the remainder again. The answer is 7 tens in 77. I’d need to save 7, the amount of tens, as a variable somehow. Then I would do : 77 - (10 * 7) (to get the even 7 left over, because we need that to get the ones.). Finally we would do the 7/1 to find the ones, although I guess you could just use the remainder from the last thing to get the ones.

I have NO idea how to write this because I don’t understand how to use the fmod function and I’m SO confused. If I could get some help on this that’d be great :L Even an explanation would be great. Thanks Codea :)))

I’m not a mathmetician, so I can’t help, but good luck!

Thanks anyways :\ Anyone else? x.x

@JessicGriffin You spent more time writing the post saying how you would do it then it would take to actually do it. I suggest you look up math.fmod in the build in manual and understand what it actually does. I was going to post the code here, but I think the whole point is for you to figure it out on your own. That’s how you learn how individual functions work.

The first bit…


Oh Dave. Always an encouragement. Thank you, I’ll post a code when I figure it out then. Hopefully you can be of further help when I make the code :stuck_out_tongue: @dave1707

@Ignatz Hmmm :open_mouth: Starting to understand… Thanks!

@dave1707 how do I fmod the variable answer in the first place?

@JessicGriffin The format of the fmod command is math.fmod(x,y) which gives you the remainder of “x” divided by “y”. For example 11/4 gives 2 with a remainder of 3. So math.fmod(11,4) will give you an answer of 3, the remainder. @Ignatz gave you everything you need to know in the above post. If that is still confusing, here’s a breakdown. You need a loop to do this until you get all the digits you need.

function setup()
    a=math.fmod(n,10)    -- this gives you the remainder   3
    n=(n-a)/10    -- this gives you the number dropping the remainder   28
    print(a)    -- prints 3
    print(n)    -- prints 28

Also, the fmod function has a shortcut ‘%’ which you would use like this (taking dave’s example)

function setup()
    a=n%10    -- notes that this is the only line that changed

it’s not a real ‘shortcut’ but more an alternative way of writing it

I screwed up guys. I meant modf. x.x I figured out the code with a lot of help from my teacher :

--# Main
-- levelApp
-- Use this function to perform your initial setup

level = 0
local answer

function setup()


-- This function gets called once every frame
function draw()
     background(206, 33, 42, 255) 
    fill(11, 13, 216, 255)
    if (math.fmod (t,60)== 0) then
        if (level >  15) then
            answer = math.random(100,299)
            level= level + 1
        else if (level > 10) then
            answer = math.random(10,99) 
            level = level + 1
            answer = math.random(1,9)
            level= level + 1             
    text(answer, WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2)
    local hundredsDivision = answer/100
    local hundreds = math.modf(hundredsDivision)
    local hundredsRemainder = answer - (hundreds*100)
    local tensDivision = hundredsRemainder/10
    local tens = math.modf(tensDivision)
    local ones = hundredsRemainder - (tens*10)
    print(hundreds  .. " " .. tens .. " " .. ones)


This code is exactly what I needed.
The next step is to print base ten blocks (hundreds, tens, one blocks) depending on the number. 283 would be 2 hundreds, 8 tens, and 3 ones.
I need to add a loop for each hundreds tens and ones, saying like for however many hundreds we need add a hundred block each time, and offset it each time… But I don’t know how to do that x.x :confused:

@dave1707 , @ignatz , @stevon8er , thanks a lot. If I could get some help with my looping problem too…? :)) xD

@JessicGriffin I’m not exactly sure about everything you were doing, but at least you were trying. Compare this to yours and see what I did. I’m not sure if this is what you were trying to do, but maybe this will help you.


function setup()

function draw()
    background(206, 33, 42, 255) 
    fill(11, 216, 98, 255)
    if math.fmod(t,180)==0 then    -- new number every 3 seconds
        answer = math.random(100,299)  -- random 3 digit number        
        ones=math.fmod(answer,10) -- number of 1's
        nbr=(answer-ones)/10    -- shift number 1 digit right
        tens=math.fmod(nbr,10)    -- number of 10's
        nbr=(nbr-tens)/10    -- shift number 1 digit right
        hundreds=nbr    -- number of 100's
    text(answer, WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2+100) 
    text(hundreds.." hundreds   "..tens.." tens   "..ones.." ones",WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2-100)   

@dave1707 my code does the exact same thing except it sends it to the output box instead.
Now I need to make bAse ten blocks appear. This is an app designed for a grade 3. For 125, I would need one hundred block (hundred block = 10x10 block), two ten blocks (1x10 blocks) and 5 ones (5 squares). My teacher told me to do a loop to make them appear. A loop for the tens, another for hundred, another for one. I just explained the rest in my previous post… I need help if you could have a look at that :confused:

@JessicGriffin I’m not sure what you’re asking. Are you saying that for 125, you need 100 blocks (squares) in a 10x10 group and then for 2 you need 2 rows of 10 blocks (squares) and for 5 you need a row of 5 blocks (squares) on the graphics screen. Then for 231 you would need 2, 10x10 groups, 3 rows of 10 blocks, then 1 block.

I think he means like this:

a block of a hundred, is 100 squares, for example each width a size of 15 width and height
they need to be placed in a 10x10 big square, so 10 rows with each 10 squares

a block of 10 = 10 square, in 1 row

and a block of 1 just equals 1 square

@JessicGriffin Here’s a start. I’ll leave the rest for you to add to your code.


function setup()

function draw()

function block100(nbr,x,y)    -- number,x,y position
    for n=1,nbr do
        for a=1,10 do
            for b=1,10 do
                sprite("Platformer Art:Guy Standing",x+a*25,y+b*25+(n-1)*100,22,22)

function block10(nbr,x,y)    -- number,x,y position
    for n=1,nbr do
        for a=1,10 do
            sprite("Platformer Art:Guy Standing",x+a*25,y+n*25,22,22)

function block1(nbr,x,y)    -- number blocks, x,y position
    for a=1,nbr do
        sprite("Platformer Art:Guy Standing",x+a*25,y+25,22,22)

@JessicGriffin I changed the above code.

@dave1707 , I have sprites I need to insert for the blocks (from dropbox), I can’t just use the rect function. Any way to do that? :\

@JessicGriffin I modified the above code to show sprites. It was just a matter of replacing “rect” with “sprite”. I also changed the size.

@dave1707 Thanks Dave :slight_smile: Didn’t realize it was changed, sorry :stuck_out_tongue: