Mathulator, a very simple, but fun working calculator!

A small app I was working on. Features:
-Any number up to 100(for now, it will be changed! :slight_smile: )
-Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.
-Very easy to use!
It is very early version( 1.0 ).
More features coming soon. Enjoy!

function setup()
    parameter.action("What's New?", function() alert("The 1.1 Mathulator is out!:\
 Enjoy the features and more coming soon!","1.0")end)
    parameter.integer("First_Number", 0, 100, 0)
    parameter.integer("Second_Number", 0,100,0)
    --Action parameters
    parameter.action("+", function() output.clear()print(First_Number + Second_Number)end)
    parameter.action("-", function() output.clear()print(First_Number - Second_Number)end)
    parameter.action("*", function() output.clear()print(First_Number * Second_Number)end)
    parameter.action("/", function() output.clear()print(First_Number / Second_Number)end)
function draw()
text(First_Number, 340, HEIGHT/2)
    text(Second_Number, 510, HEIGHT/2)
    text("and", 425, HEIGHT/2)

Hope you enjoy! Feel free to change the code to whatever you want. Iā€™d like to see your improvements!

@LL_Phoenix456 This is similar to the code posted at the link below. I added some code there that uses text instead of print statements.

Nice! Looks good!