Less lag in building game.

@Prynok Physics is very time consuming. Collisions take even longer.

@SkyTheCoder Thats what I was afraid of, back to the drawing board I guess.

Wait, is there anyway to make certain physic.bodies not affected by the same type, for example if all of the blocks were static, but the character was dynamic, is there anyway to stop the game checking the collisions between the static ones?

@Prynok Look at physics options ( categories, mask, or sensor ).

@dave1707, Never mind, just wrote my own custom physics system including spacemonkeys method of making an image of the blocks instead of looping them :wink:

@Prynok the categories and masks can group objects so they only interact with a group. But static bodies don’t get calculated for their collisions, just other objects collisions with them, so statics are much lighter weight.

For your project custom physics is probably the way to go, physics is great if you want to do complex proper physics, but for just basic character interaction with a mostly static scene physics is probably overkill. You can always do a mix and use physics on your character to get a nice gravity effect (for example) and then do custom collision detection for your scene, rather than the scene being physics objects.