Is this what I need?

Our business was totally Microsoft pc-based until last year. We invested in some iPads and have been creating html/javascript apps for use internally. We have hit the wall, so to speak, with the localStorage limitation and the inability to access the device file system. We have no desire to develop apps in the public domain. We want to continue developing stand-alone apps. I was excited to find Codea this morning. Having read through the forums, however, I still can’t determine if this is the solution. Using Codea, can we develop an iPad app without (a) investing in a Macintosh or (b) becoming a sanctioned Apple developer? Thank you for whatever guidance you can provide.

Depends on what you want to do. Local storage is ok with codea, but exchange of data must be via wifi and web, usually corporations dont want that.
You should consider jaibreak as a serious option: it saved my iPad from me getting crazy about data exchange and throwing it on the wall…
Pythonista has more options if you want to learn python (saving pictures to camera roll via code).
Generally i think Apple tablets is not a professionnal solution. But android tablets could be.
Oh, and to be clear: nethertheless, i love Codea and TLL!

I’m not sure what type of applications you want to create, but if you’re after file i/o you might want to look at iLuaBox Pro in the app store. That has the full range of file i/o along with some SQL. iLua seems to be more business oriented where as Codea is more game oriented. You might be able to look thru this reference to see what’s available in Lua and the different toolbox additions.

Hi @Dave. I’ve checked your link: very interesting. I’ve looked at the ‘socket extention’ documentation: this is where you can see the effort of TLL to make things simple for us…