iOS 8 and other stuff

@aurumcoder2624 - You get any other type of Mac. Also, Apple may include Swift in the clang compiler when it’s released, so with some hacking, you might be able to get it to work.

I think Codea should also support Swift around the iOS 8 update

@Saturn03100 - If TLL starts using Swift with Codea, it might speed up the development just a bit, due to the fact that you don’t have to repeat code anymore.
@aurumcoder2624 - It doesn’t work that way. Lua is a scripting language that’s made to be embedded inside apps. Swift (and Objective-C) is a compiled language, so therefore, you can’t run it on the fly. And even if Apple managed to get the clang compiler to work with Codea, then they’d have to adapt all the APIs. It wouldn’t work well, if at all.
Along with that, I suggest you try Swift. It may not be for you.

Thank u, I’ll try… But I don’t have an apple computer?

@aurumcoder2624 Then you can’t use Swift, or publish any apps made in Codea.



I thought u could download


on a Windows!!!