I’m just starting out

Here’s my code as I attempt to setup a project under Craft.

-- Test

function setup()
	-- Create the scene
	scene = craft.scene()

  -- Move the main camera
    scene.camera.position = vec3 (0,-10,0)
  -- Adjust the scene lighting
  scene.sun.rotation = quat.eulerAngles(75,0,45)
  scene.ambientColor = color(30,30,30)

  -- Turn on fog and set distances and color
  scene.fogEnabled = false
  scene.fogNear = 10
  scene.fogFar = 1000
  scene.fogColor = color(168, 168, 168, 255)

  -- Get the sky material and change the sky and horizon colors
  local skyMaterial = scene.sky.material
  skyMaterial.sky = color(255, 60, 60, 255)
  skyMaterial.horizon = color(255, 180, 180, 255)

-- Create a new entity
    ground = scene:entity()

-- Attach a model and material for rendering
    ground.model = craft.model.cube(vec3(1,1,1), vec3(0,0,0))
    ground.material = craft.material("Materials:Voxel")

-- Rotate the entity
ground.eulerAngles = vec3(45, 0, 45)

-- Set the z position of the entity
ground.z = 100


function update(dt)
	-- Update the scene (including physics, voxels and other systems)


function draw()

	-- Draw the scene (must be done within the draw function)

All I get is this, no matter what I do with the camera, I don’t see anything other than this horizon line, no cubes, no nothing.

Can someone help me figure out how to setup a basic scene in Codea as a template.

@Kurall_Creator Welcome to the forum. Instead of fixing your code for you, here’s a simple example that you can look over that will help you fix your code.


function setup()
    assert(craft, "Please include Craft as a dependency")
    assert(OrbitViewer, "Please include Cameras (not Camera) as a dependency")
    scene = craft.scene()
    skyMaterial.sky=color(0, 62, 255, 255)
    skyMaterial.horizon=color(99, 255, 0, 255)
    v=scene.camera:add(OrbitViewer, vec3(0,0,0), 100, 0, 200)
    -- create cube with texture
    c1.model = craft.model.cube(vec3(10,10,10))
    c1.material = craft.material("Materials:Standard")
    c1.material.map = readImage("Blocks:Trunk White Top")

function draw()
    text("Drag your finger on the screen to rotate the cube",WIDTH/2,HEIGHT-100)

function update(dt)

Thanks Dave, that’s prefect. I can start to do some things to see what piece of code does what through commenting it out.

@Kurall_Creator Changing existing code to see what happens is a great way to learn. You can do a forum search for craft code to get more examples. Just a reminder, when you post code, put ~~~ before and after your code so it displays correctly. I added them you your above example.

Thanks Dave,

Using your example and the inbuilt examples, I got a cool result.

I’m definitely happy picking up this package, learning how to create some interesting stuff.

@Kurall_Creator You’re off to a good start. There’s a lot of things to learn with Codea and it will keep you interested for a long time.