Http.request uploading

Can someone show me how to format an http.request for uploading data to a site?

Hi. The problem is that the site must have some kind of protocol for that. For instance google map has an API they describe, and if you follow their syntax, you will pass in your page calll some data like the position and angle to them. If you want to upload data to your own site, you have to write a web page on your site that can receive this data and interpret it. For instance a PHP page. So it is a lot of work. @Bortels published an example months ago in this forum on how to do it with PERL scripts on the server side. But it was really complex to make it work for me and i never succeeded. I have succeded in making a PHP page (my codea server), and i think i could write a page that can receive uploads, but i havent yet: it is a lot of work and no fun at all…