How to trasfear codea code to xcode because i want to upload it on the ipad appstore

Pleas i want a fast reply

You have to download a thing called the Codea Runtime Library. That’s about all I know, because I’m eleven years old.

And me iam 12 years old

Download iExployer
Connect the iPad to you mac.
After launching look for Codea in left panel.
Drag you fileName.codea to the desktop.

Can I copy the code to my email and past it to the Xcode with out I explore

There is a tutorial on how to do this here:

No need for iExplorer or the runtime anymore, there is an export to Xcode function in Codea.

You don’t need to worry about the runtime anymore. With version 1.5, you just export.

@reefwing , I ju updde my codea to try the new export function. I am having some apple mach-O linker errors. (e.g. “SSLHandshake”, “SSLCreateContext”). Did I miss something out from your tutorial?


@zapaper likewise. I tried last night and got 14 mach-o errors

@zapaper and @West - version 1.5.3 introduced a bug. @Simeon is on the case. In the meantime:

In Xcode, open your exported project:

  • Go to your project settings (click on the blueprint icon in the Project Navigator)
  • Select the “Build Phases” tab
  • Expand “Link Binary With Libraries”
  • Click the + button at the bottom of the list
  • Choose “Security.framework” and click add

Codea 1.5.4 will fix this bug in the exported project template. But you will have to use this workaround for now.

@Reefwing - awesome - worked - thanks for the help.

Just press and hold on your Codea project, and select “Export.” Am I the only one that noticed that?

@skythecoder there is a bug in 1.5.3 that doesn’t export correctly. Fix is above.

Oh, derp…

That fixed it for me :slight_smile: